Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/01/2023 - Council (Item 176)

176 CHURCHGATE UPDATE - PART 1 pdf icon PDF 281 KB



To provide Members with an update on Churchgate since the Council purchased the Leasehold. 


Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That Members noted the report.


REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure Members a kept updated on the progression of Churchgate.


Audio Recording – 148 minutes 24 seconds


Councillor Keith Hoskins, Executive Member for Enterprise and Arts, presented the report entitled ‘Churchgate Update’ and advised:


·         The Part 2 report provided operational details to date.

·         There had been 1562 responses to date to the public consultation, with 197 of these signed up to receive regular updates on the project.

·         There was an ongoing update provided at each meeting to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of the Enterprise Update.

·         Further updates would be provided to Full Council at a suitable time.


The following Members asked questions:


·         Councillor David Levett

·         Councillor Gerald Morris

·         Councillor Adam Compton

·         Councillor James Denselow


Councillor Ralph Muncer noted that there had previously been concerns raised about spending millions without a clear plan, but he welcomed the plan presented at the meeting and would await the outcome of the consultation, the long term proposals for the site and the overall cost to taxpayers.


Councillor Ian Albert noted that this had been a good discussion of the project and it was important that Churchgate work was aligned with other work going on across Hitchin. He noted that consultation with residents and business was vital to ensure the benefit was felt across the town.


In response to questions, Councillor Hoskins advised:


·         The Chartered Surveyors employed had been asked to consider meanwhile use and alternative rental models as part of their appointment, as it was felt important that no consideration or idea was off limit.

·         Longer term plans would depend on what came from the consultations, and nothing had been ruled in or out.

·         Details of the results of the consultation would be shared in March 2023, before establishing a full advisory board and estimated completion dates would be applied to programme, which would be reported to Council and Overview and Scrutiny.


In response to questions, the Service Director – Enterprise advised:


·         Appendix A detailed the key tasks to be completed but did not include dates past August 2023. By June 2023, there should be a clearer plan, with consultants on board, and further dates could be added at this stage.

·         No detail had been confirmed for the town centre strategy as part of this, but would be reported back on when able to do so.


Councillor Keith Hoskins proposed and Councillor Ian Albert seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That Members noted the report.


REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure Members a kept updated on the progression of Churchgate.


N.B. At this point of the meeting Councillor James Denselow left the Chamber at 22.11 and did not return to the meeting.