Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (Item 90)

90 Q3 2022/23 AUDIT UPDATE REPORT pdf icon PDF 90 KB



To receive and note the Q3 Audit Update Report.




1.    Noted the SIAS Progress Report for the period to 17 February 2023.


2.    Approved the plan amendments to the 2022/23 Internal Annual Audit Plan.



Audio recording – 58 minutes 41 seconds


Chris Wood, Head of SIAS, gave a verbal presentation and advised:


·         The performance statistics in paragraphs 2.11 and 2.12 showed that 83 audit days in the plan and 63% of projects had been delivered.

·         At least 24 audits would be delivered at the year end.

·         It was anticipated that over 80% of audits would be delivered in year, with 100% of the plan being delivered when the Annual Assurance opinion is delivered.

·         There was a significant number of final audit reports that had come through.

·         The climate emergency report was released after the Update Report was prepared.

·         The business continuity plan was a limited assurance report one with one new high priority recommendation.

·         The climate emergency report was a limited assurance report and there was a high priority recommendation within it.

·         Paragraph 2.6 detailed the requirement to report implementation dates and high priority recommendations to the Committee.

·         There were three high priority recommendations made in the Revenues and Benefits system technical team audit, with implementation dates at the end of March 2023.

·         The Careline Operations high priority internal audit recommendation had been implemented.

·         One proposed amendment to the audit plan is that the Strategic Planning audit would be deferred to the 23/24 plan, and was replaced with the community lottery audit.


Councillor Sean Nolan proposed and Councillor Clare Billing seconded, and following a vote it was:




(1)  Noted the SIAS Progress Report for the period to 17 February 2023.


(2)  Approved the plan amendments to the 2022/23 Internal Annual Audit Plan.