Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/03/2023 - Letchworth Committee (Item 90)


To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.


RESOLVED: That the Committee allocated £898 to Green Care at Norton CIC towards equipment for the next phase of their development as outlined in paragraphs 8.1.1-8.1.7 of the officer’s report.


RESOLVED:That the Committee allocated £1,160 to Letchworth Garden Shed towards shelving units and repair day equipment as outlined in paragraphs 8.1.8-8.1.12 of the officer’s report.


Audio recording – 16 minutes 25 seconds


The Chair invited Aimee Flack, the Assistant Community Engagement Officer, to update Members on Budgets. Ms Flack thanked the Chair, and provided the following update:


·         The 2022/23 base budget was £11,000 with £2,956 carried forward from 2021/22. This gave a total budget of £13,956.

·         The Committee had awarded £11,814 in grants this year, with £2,142 left.

·         The grant applications for the meeting on 15 March 2023 totalled £1,858, which if granted, would leave £284 to carry forward into 2023/24.


Councillor Tom Plater commented that representatives from Letchworth BID were not in attendance tonight and asked the Chair for an update of their work.


The Chair advised that the BID had not been invited, and advised that the BID had recently appointed a new manager.


The Chair invited Raymond Wilson from Green Care, Norton CIC to present. Mr Wilson thanked the Chair, gave a verbal presentation and advised:


·         Hydroponics units would provide vulnerable adults the opportunity to grow produce indoors.

·         This would benefit those unable to go outdoors and participate in rigorous gardening.

·         The units did not use compost, and were economical to run.

·         Dehydration units would reduce food waste, and meant produce could be stored for longer.

·         Previously, ovens were used to dry out produce and flower petals for confetti and potpourri which took a long time. The dehydration units would make this process quicker.

·         The people that the CIC worked with were long-term unemployed. This project would give them basic business, economic and horticultural skills.


The following Members asked questions:


·         Councillor Daniel Allen

·         Councillor Sean Nolan

·         Councillor Sean Prendergast


In response to the Member’s questions, Mr Wilson advised:


·         The walking tractor previously funded by the Committee allowed larger areas to be cultivated quicker than using manual tools.

·         Green Care had donated to foodbanks previously, however most foodbanks preferred non-perishable items.

·         There were about 25 active users of the organisation, and the organisation had worked with over 50 people since their inception.


In response to the question from Councillor Prendergast, Mr Wilson advised that the entire project would total £898, with £200 of the cost coming from their reserves.


Councillor Tom Plater proposed that the Committee increase the grant funding to £898 and this was seconded by Councillor Sean Prendergast, and following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That the Committee allocated £898 to Green Care at Norton CIC towards equipment for the next phase of their development as outlined in paragraphs 8.1.1-8.1.7 of the officer’s report.


Mr Wilson thanked the Committee of their support of the organisation and the interest Members had taken in the organisation.


N.B. The Chair and Councillor Amy Allen declared an interest in Letchworth Garden Shed, and left the Chamber at 20:04. During this time the Vice-Chair, Councillor Sean Prendergast acted as Chair of the meeting.


The Chair invited Angela Bell, from Letchworth Garden Shed to present. Ms Bell thanked the Chair, gave a presentation and advised:


·         The organisation were opening a Library of Things in May 2023, which  ...  view the full minutes text for item 90