Issue - meetings

22/02225/FP Nicholls Yard, Crow Lane, Reed, Hertfordshire, SG8 8BJ

Meeting: 15/06/2023 - Planning Control Committee (Item 76)



Erection of three 2-bed, three 3-bed, and one 4-bed dwellings and associated parking and formation of vehicular access onto the highway

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That application 22/02225/FP be REFUSED planning permission due to the reasons outlined in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.


Audio recording - 5 minute 30 seconds


The Senior Planning Officer provided an update from the Historic Environmental Advisor at Hertfordshire County Council, who had advised of the following, that:


·       The site lays within a rich and potentially significant archology landscape, focusing on prehistoric burial grounds on either side of Reed.

·       The Anglo Saxon and Medieval settlements were quite unusual and several questions remained about the site remain and therefore a Geophysical survey was warranted.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report in respect of Application 22/02225/FP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.


The Senior Planning Officer summarised that:


·       This development offered limited benefits regarding overall housing needs with no affordable housing included and was not providing section 106 money for local services and the Parish Council.

·       This development would cause significant harm to the open rural character and setting of the Conservation Area and would have an adverse visual impact to users of the public footpaths and highways.

·       The harms of this development outweighed the positives.


There were no points of clarification from Members.


The Chair invited County Councillor Fiona Hill to speak against the application. County Councillor Hill thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided the Committee with a verbal presentation including that:


·       Reed Parish Council endorsed the Officers recommendation to refuse the Application.

·       A site “RD1” on the Local Plan was allocated to provide the further housing growth in Reed including affordable housing.

·       This Application did not offer any affordable housing.

·       Since 2011 there had been a 10.5% housing increase in housing in Reed.

·       Policy SP2 of the Local Plan should be applied with sensitivity in category A villages such as Reed and concluded that this development would harm the village.

·       The Parish Council fully supported the judgement of the Planning Officer and the Conservation Officer, that the proposed development would be harmful to the area and overall character of Reed and would have an adverse effect on the village.

·       The Parish Council requested that the Committee follows recommendations of the Planning Officer and refuses this application. 


There were no points of Clarification from Members.


The Chair thanked County Councillor Hill for her presentation and invited Councillor Gerald Morris to speak against the application. Councillor Morris thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided the Committee with a verbal presentation including that:


·       He supported the comments of Reed Parish Council, the Officers and NDHC Conservation Officers and the recommendation to refuse this application.

·       The site was part of a previous planning application where it was stated that the land should remain undeveloped and landscaped.

·       The development would have an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the surrounding area.

·       The application is not accompanied by a Biodiversity net gain metric.

·       No energy assessment had been received.

·       The application offered no affordable Housing.

·       Any new developments would require the sewage treatment plant at Reed to be upgraded to prevent an environmental problem.


There were no points of Clarification from Members.


The Chair  ...  view the full minutes text for item 76