Erection of nine detached dwellings (2 x 3-bed, 1 x 4-bed and 6 x
5-bed) including garaging, parking, landscaping and creation of
vehicular access off Gray's Lane.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That application 22/00516/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions as set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager as amended by the Supplementary Agenda, as well as:
(1) The completion of a satisfactory legal agreement or unilateral undertaking relating to achieving Biodiversity Net Gain from the proposed development, or the applicant agreeing to extend the statutory period in order to complete the agreement or provide a satisfactory unilateral undertaking.
(2) Confirmation that Hertfordshire County Council’s Rights of Way Officer has no objections to the proposal.
And the following additional condition:
“Condition 15:
No dwelling shall be occupied until a scheme setting out details of all on-site household refuse and recycling storage and collection facilities (to include details of any enclosures or screening) to serve each dwelling have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall also include arrangements for management of any other waste generated by the development. All such facilities shall be provided in accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the corresponding dwellings and shall be maintained and retained thereafter.
Reason: To facilitate refuse and recycling collection. To protect the amenities of nearby residents and occupiers in the interests of visual amenity and to comply with Policies D1 and D3 of the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011-2031.”
Audio recording 1 hour and 11 minutes
The Development and Conservation Manager, informed the Committee that there were updates provided in the Supplementary Pack which included:
· Clarification of drawing numbers and a tree survey.
· A revised appraisal of the biodiversity submitted by Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust showed a net loss of 1.17 hectare, which could be offset by a contribution of £15K to build an offsite enhancement in North Herts.
· The County Council had withdrawn their request for a financial contribution as this application fell below their 10-house threshold.
· A new condition had been added, requiring the provision of a soft and hard landscaping scheme.
The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report in respect of Application 22/00516/FP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.
The Development and Conservation Manager summarised that:
· The site extended to 0.8 hectors and included woodland on the western edge of Hitchin.
· When the Local Plan was adopted the site was removed from the Green Belt.
· The site was acceptable for a residential development as set out in the Local Plan.
· The Local Plan estimated 16 dwellings on the site, this application is for 9, and considered the location, accessibility, density and constraints of hedge land, site access and trees.
· The application was for six, five bedroom houses, one, four bedroom houses and two three bedroom houses.
· The site was on the edge of town in a low-density area and the proposed houses were in keeping with the scale and character of nearby large detached dwellings.
· The layout and was acceptable under Policy D1 of the Local Plan.
· The woods would be repurposed and are subject to a landscaping condition.
· After the access point for this development, Lucas Lane became a bridleway, and the Local Planning Authority considered this application acceptable subject to conditions listed in the report.
The following Members asked points of clarification:
· Councillor Sean Nolan
· Councillor Ian Moody
· Councillor Michael Muir
· Councillor Louise Peace
· Councillor Daniel Allen
· Councillor Tom Tyson
· Councillor Val Bryant
In response to the points of clarification, the Development and Conservation Manager stated that:
· Access via Grays Lane to the site was an adopted road but there were no plans to adopt Lucas Lane.
· Road access would be the same for this application and for the HT6 application.
· Using DEFRA calculation which considers different species with different biodiversity values, it was concluded that there was a net loss on the site of 1.17 habitat units.
· There was a well-used path across the site but it was not a public footpath as defined by the County Council.
· The illustrations showed some planting of trees and landscaping to reflect the master plan landscaping.
· A revised plan was submitted to Highways which had been agreed.
· A further condition had been added regarding waste and recycling.
· The response from the County Councils changed after further clarification and drawings of the bridleway.
· The Right of Ways officer had yet to respond, but the bridleway had a free and safe passage in ... view the full minutes text for item 78