Issue - meetings

Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) update and consultation report

Meeting: 27/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 193)



Following public consultation of the draft North Herts (LCWIP) in the autumn of 2022, Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) has analysed the feedback and produced a Consultation Report and a Summary of Changes Report for consideration and endorsement by North Herts Council prior to the preparation of a final draft of the LCWIP to present to HCC Highways and Transport Cabinet Panel later in the year.

Additional documents:




(1)   That the Cabinet noted the attached LCWIP Consultation report at Appendix A.


(2)   That the Cabinet endorsed the proposed changes to the draft LCWIP, set out in the attached LCWIP Changes Summary Report.


REASON FOR DECISION:The LCWIP is a daughter document to Hertfordshire’s Local Transport Plan. Its adoption will guide and accelerate future investment in transport infrastructure that enables and encourages people to make more trips by active travel (walking, cycling, mobility scooter, and other legal low-speed mobility modes). This will help NHDC, HCC and the government deliver on their strategies for sustainable transport, public health and climate change; more specifically, to increase the modal share for active travel, and thereby to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions from motor vehicles.



Audio recording – 1:08:38


Councillor Ruth Brown presented the report entitled ‘Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) Update and Consultation Report’ and advised:


·         The Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) went out for consultation at the Area Forums, Parish Councils, Town Councils and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs).

·         The consultation was extensive, however under 30s were underrepresented despite the consultation going into schools.

·         The LCWIP was the daughter document to the Hertfordshire Local Transport Plan, and agreed priorities on cycling and walking infrastructure.

·         The main points were highlighted at paragraph 8.7 in the report.

·         There was strong support for a safe cycling and walking route between Ashwell and Ashwell and Morden Station.

·         There was lots of rejection to some proposals in Knebworth, and some proposals were altered and scaled back following responses received.

·         There were concerns about the modal filters and one-way systems in Royston, which were scaled back.


Councillor Elizabeth Dennis thanked Councillor Brown and the Officers involved in the project, and highlighted the changes made since consultation as being a positive part of the report.


Councillor Ruth Brown proposed and Councillor Keith Hoskins seconded and, following a vote, it was:




(1)  That the Cabinet noted the attached LCWIP Consultation report at Appendix A.


(2)  That the Cabinet endorsed the proposed changes to the draft LCWIP, set out in the attached LCWIP Changes Summary Report.


REASON FOR DECISION:The LCWIP is a daughter document to Hertfordshire’s Local Transport Plan. Its adoption will guide and accelerate future investment in transport infrastructure that enables and encourages people to make more trips by active travel (walking, cycling, mobility scooter, and other legal low-speed mobility modes). This will help NHDC, HCC and the government deliver on their strategies for sustainable transport, public health and climate change; more specifically, to increase the modal share for active travel, and thereby to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions from motor vehicles.