To consider topics for discussion at a future meeting of the Committee.
The Chair suggested the topic of ‘Employee Engagement within Hybrid Working’ for the next meeting of the Committee and this was agreed with Members present.
Audio Recording – 24 minutes 06 seconds
Councillor Terry Hone noted that it was important that the Committee be kept up to date on recruitment issues, including specific areas which are of concern.
Councillor Clare Strong noted that staff were the most important part of the business, and it was important to manage and monitor wellbeing of existing staff, as well as any development requirements.
In response to a question from Cllr Strong, the Human Resources Service Manager advised that the Council did have a secondment process which formalised this process, but it was expected that managers on a local level would speak with relevant officers at other Councils. However, there was no formal process for an experience day at other Councils.
The Chair suggested the topic of ‘Employee Engagement within Hybrid Working’ for the next meeting of the Committee and this was agreed with Members present.