Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (Item 115)

115 SAFS ANTI-FRAUD REPORT 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 649 KB



A report providing details of the work undertaken by the Council and the Shared Anti-Fraud Service to protect the Council against the threat of fraud and the delivery of the Council’s Anti-Fraud Action Plan for2022-2023.   

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Committee:


(1)   Noted the activity undertaken by the Shared Anti-Fraud Service to deliver the 2022-23 Anti-Fraud Plan for the Council.


(2)   Noted the other anti-fraud activities undertaken to protect the Council.



Audio recording – 31 minute 18 seconds


Nick Jennings, Shared Anti-Fraud Service, presented the ‘SAFS Annual Report 2022-23’ and highlighted that:


·       In 2022-23 there were six Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), these were met or exceeded and were shown on page 209 of the report.

·       Members of the committee were provided training on fraud awareness and prevention in December 2022.

·       There were 15 fraud alerts shared to Officers throughout the year.

·       The reactive work undertaken from the referrals or allegations of fraud were highlighted on page 212 of the report; these had been listed by fraud type.

·       The number of cases that were investigated and the outcome of these investigations was highlighted on page 213 of the report.

·       Work had been undertaken with settle regarding tenancy fraud.

·       Proactive work was being undertaken regarding the national fraud initiative, including the use of a fraud hub for all 10 districts and boroughs across Hertfordshire.

·       The executive reports produced following a fraud investigation or the identification of a weakness, and the actions to prevent these reoccurring were summarised on page 216.

·       A fraud risk assessment was undertaken in partnership with County and District Councils regarding the homes for Ukraine scheme.

·       The work on the transparency code data, and this was required to be published. The report outlined work and outcomes to prevent and detect fraud was highlighted on page 217 of the report.


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Sean Nolan

·       Councillor Mandi Tandi


In response to questions Mr Jennings, stated that:


·       SAFS had worked closely with officers to understand their concerns about fraud, and worked regionally with partnerships to help identify what fraud risks were likely to affect the Council, which will ideally lead to preventing or identifying fraud quicker.

·       Fraud changes and fraudsters follow money.

·       There had been a reduction in the reporting of housing benefit fraud, with the change of this benefit into the Universal Credit scheme.


Councillor Mandi Tandi proposed and Councillor Tamsin Thomas seconded and, following a vote it was:


RESOLVED: That the Committee:


(1)   Noted the activity undertaken by the Shared Anti-Fraud Service to deliver the 2022-23 Anti-Fraud Plan for the Council.


(2)   Noted the other anti-fraud activities undertaken to protect the Council.