Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (Item 117)

117 SIAS SERVICE REPORT UPDATE 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 322 KB



To receive the Internal Audit Service progress report 2023-24 of the SIAS.


RESOLVED: That the Committee:


(1)   Noted the SIAS Progress report for the period to 25 August 2023.


(2)   Noted the plan amendments to the 2023-24 Annual Audit Plan.



Audio recording – 44 minute 54 seconds


The Head of Shared Internal Audit Service presented the report entitled ‘SIAS Service Report Update 2023-24’ and drew attention to the following, that:


·       There was an error at paragraph 2.1 of the report on page 251, the percentage should read 31%.

·       32% of planning days had now been delivered after a final report on the Harkness Court project and a draft audit report on the Freedom of Information.

·       The performance indicator shown at paragraph 2.7 was now 21% for actual planned projects.         

·       Appendix D showed the implementation status of six high priority recommendation, three had been implemented, three were partially implemented, with one of these having had a revised start date of August yet was nearly completed and the remaining two items had completion dates in the future.

·       More details of specific projects can be viewed on Pentana.


In response to a question from Councillor Sean Nolan, the Head of Shared Internal Audit Service, stated that of the partially implemented items:


·       One item was subject to a reaudit and Members would get some assurances shortly as the end date was August 2023.

·       One had an end date of March 2024.

·       The remaining item had a slight change to the end date and was nearly completed.

·       Other authorities had more concerning matters.


Councillor Mandi Tandi proposed, and Councillor Tamsin Thomas seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That the Committee:


(1)   Noted the SIAS Progress report for the period to 25 August 2023.


(2)   Noted the plan amendments to the 2023-24 Annual Audit Plan.