Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (Item 114)

114 ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT FOR 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 1 MB



North Hertfordshire District Council, Auditor’s Annual Report for Year ended 31 March 2022.


RESOLVED: That the Annual Audit Report 2021-22 was noted.


Audio recording: 25 minute 36 seconds


Debbie Hanson, Ernst & Young presented the ‘Annual Audit Report for 2021-22’ and highlighted that:


·       This report replaced the Annual Management Letter and summarised all the audit work completed during the year on the financial statement and value for money.

·       The previous report ‘Final Audit Results Report 2021-22’ primarily focused on details of the financial statement, this report also included work in relation to value for money.

·       There were no signs of any significant risk or weaknesses in the three key area of, financial sustainability, Governance, and the arrangements for improving economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the use of resources, these were summarised on page 191.

·       High level commentary of these three key areas was shown on pages 192-194 of the report and included that Ernst & Young were satisfied that the financial statement had robust processes, a five-year planning program that was reflected in the council plan and medium term financial strategy.

·       The outturn over the previous years had been consistency less than Budget which provided assurances.

·       Reserves were held above the minimum level that the S151 officer recommended, ensuring that adequate reserves and savings were held.

·       Risk management arrangements were in place with key risks being identified and managed.

·       The Council received a reasonable assurance which was the highest level available from the internal audit review.

·       It was noted that the Council had a Climate Change strategy in place supporting the net-zero strategy of government.

·       Ernst & Young were satisfied that the procurement strategies had appropriate controls in place.

·       To improve the efficient delivery of services the Council was working in partnership with other bodies. The appendices had a more detailed summary of these partnership arrangements.


In response to a question from Councillor Tamsin Thomas, Ms Hanson stated that the reference to District Councillors as key partners on page 201 would be amended.


Councillor Tamsin Thomas proposed and Councillor Mandi Tandi seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That the Annual Audit Report 2021-22 was noted.