Ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) farm including battery energy storage; continued agricultural use, ancillary infrastructure, security fencing, landscaping provision, ecological enhancements and associated works (as amended ).
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That application 22/00741/FP be DEFERRED planning permission for the following reasons:
1. For officers to advise upon and for Members to consider late submissions relating to biodiversity.
2. For officers to advise upon and Members to consider late submissions relating to the effect of the proposal upon traffic and access.
3. Members would like to visit a comparable and operating solar farm to understand likely noise impacts arising from the proposal.
4. For officers to advise upon and for Members to considerproposed conditions by Bygrave Parish Council.
5. Members are minded to await the decision of the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities as to whether or not will be calling-in the application for his determination before making a decision on the application.
Audio Recording: 22 minute and 8 second
N.B Councillor Tom Tyson returned to the Council Chamber at 19:53
Councillor Tom Tyson announced to the Chair that he had a Non-Registerable Interest, and an Other Registerable Interest in this item and would not take part in the debate or vote and would leave the Chamber for the duration of the item.
N.B Councillor Tom Tyson left the Council Chamber at 19:54
The Chair read an email received from the Secretary of State regarding application 22/00741/FP which stated that:
· Under Article 31 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, the Secretary of State hereby directed the Council not to grant permission on thisapplication without specific authorisation.
· This direction was issued to enable the Secretary of State to consider whether they should direct under Section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 that this application should be referred to the Secretary of State fordetermination.
· This direction did not, of course, prevent the Committee from considering the application, forming a view as to its merits or, refusing permission.
· This letter was for proceduralpurposes and should not be taken as any indication of the attitude of the Secretary of State towards this application.
The Chair advised that the application could still be considered.
The Development and Conservation Manager stated that the email from the Secretary of State prevented the Committee from granting planning permission this evening, the application could still be refused or deferred but could not be granted.
The Senior Planning Officer provided an update regarding the supplementary document which had some amendments and corrections to the report and an update from the Applicant and Bygrave Parish Council, and highlighted that:
· Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue had been consulted but had not responded to the application.
· The date for achieving zero carbon emission was 2040 and not 2030 as stated at paragraph 4.6.1
· There was an amendment to paragraph 4.6.14 regarding the anaerobic digestor at Bygrave Lodge.
· Further information had been received from the applicant regarding their grid connection, which could be delivered as soon as the development was approved and would be constructed in phases.
· An update from Bygrave Parish Council requesting some amendments to the planning conditions.
The Senior Planning Officer presented the report in respect of Application 22/00741/FP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.
The following Members asked points of clarification:
· Councillor Mick Debenham
· Councillor Nigel Mason
In response to the points of clarification the Senior Planning Officer advised that:
· The Knoll would have a direct line of sight to the Solar Farm.
· The distance to the nearest property from the Solar Farm was approximately 120-130 metres.
The Chair invited Mr James Colegrave and Ms Julie Stothard to speak against the application.
Mr Colegrave thanked ... view the full minutes text for item 108