To consider the representations made in response to the consultation on the draft Chesfield Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (CAAMP) and the proposed designation of the Chesfield Conservation Area.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That the Chesfield Conservation Area item be DEFERRED to clarify the proposed conservation area and to conduct further consultation with residents to ensure the People First priority of the Council was being met.
Audio Recording – 5:26
N.B. This item was considered ahead of Agenda Item 7.
Councillor Ruth Brown, as Executive Member for Planning and Transport, presented the report entitled ‘Chesfield Conservation Area’ and advised that:
· The purpose of a conservation area was to manage and protect areas of special interest.
· The 2016 heritage assessment for North Stevenage 1 (NS1) recommended there should be a conservation area in Chesfield, as an extension to the existing conservation area.
· Following a public consultation consultants carried out further work and made minor amendments, included at Appendix B. However, they concluded that there was enough historic evidence to merit a conservation area in this area.
· A conservation area promotes sustainable development, which was important following the declaration of the Climate Emergency at the Council.
Councillor Ruth Brown proposed the recommendations in the report.
The Chair invited Dr Hilary Napier to speak. Dr Napier thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided Cabinet with a verbal presentation, including that:
· As a resident of the area, she was unaware of the proposed Conservation Area until November 2022, despite the report beginning in September 2021.
· They were also only made aware of the consideration of the item at this meeting on 13 September 2023 and no other resident had been provided information.
· It was good practice to involve residents in policies that impact them.
· A public consultation took place in January 2023 and the residents were unanimous in objecting to the Conservation Area proposals.
· At this meeting, Councillor Brown indicated that the proposals would not proceed without resident support.
· The main reasons provided for objections were the managing of boundaries of farmland, the impact of the nearby woodland and housing estates, as well as dangerous trees that would need felling immediately.
· The effects of NS1 was not considered within this report, and this is important as work is underway and the spoil from the development is to be deposited on the proposed Conservation Area boundary.
· There were historically significant buildings in the area, but these were covered by existing listing, and the land was protected as greenbelt. The proposed Conservation Area, therefore, made little additional protection.
· Following the resident meeting in January 2023, several responses were provided as action points, including to consult further with the ARB team at the Council regarding woodlands, expand permitted development on farmland, consider the likely effect of new developments and confirm a landscape assessment had been completed for NS1. However, no action or information had been provided on these points.
· The section of the report which covered Chesfield Park area contained inaccuracies, which had been covered by previous submissions from residents, including photographic evidence, but only summarised versions appear on the website.
· Woodland around the area is extremely patchy and housing developments were clearly visible.
· The Assistant Director of Planning at Stevenage Borough Council had advised that the immediate area around Chesfield Park had already been eroded by the development of Great Ashby, as well as pylons.
· A site visit had been arranged ... view the full minutes text for item 214