Issue - meetings

Information Note: Work Programme for 2023/24

Meeting: 27/09/2023 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment (Item 78)


This note highlights proposed items scheduled in the work programme for the Cabinet Panel on the Environment for 2023/24, agreed at the initial meeting.

Additional documents:


The Policy and Strategy Team Leader provided a verbal update on the Work Programme for the 2023/24 civic year.


Audio recording – 3:36


The Policy and Strategy Team Leader provided a verbal update on the Work Programme for the 2023/24 civic year and advised:


·         The theme for the meeting was sustainable development. The meeting in December would focus on Waste and the March meeting would be on Achievements.

·         The Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan had been revised as part of the Hertfordshire Climate Change Sustainability Partnership (HCCSP).

·         The second round of the Solar Together Scheme was open until 27 October 2023. Communications had gone out to Community Groups and Parish Councils on the Scheme.

·         Work was ongoing on a draft climate-related risks log for North Hertfordshire, which was part of the work of HCCSP adaptations sub-group.

·         The Home Upgrade Grant Round Two was due to be launched, with a marketing plan underway to get communications out to eligible households.

·         Work was ongoing on the London Luton Airport Expansion Documents. Relevant areas were being reviewed to ascertain whether previous concerns had been addressed and if remaining concerns had been incorporated into required documentation.

·         There was work underway on heat decarbonisation plans for the three leisure centres, which were the top energy using and emitting buildings in the Estate.

·         The Council had recently launched a Community Investment Fund, where community groups could apply for funding for capacity-building activities.

·         The Action Tracker had been amended to only include actions that the Council could meaningfully influence on.

·         Two actions on the tracker had not yet started, as they were awaiting the appointment of the Waste Awareness Officer in 2024.


The following participants asked questions:


·         Councillor Amy Allen

·         John Webb


In response to the questions, the Policy and Strategy Team Leader advised:


·         Community groups had to be non-profit to be eligible for the Community Investment Fund. They also had to comply with the Grant policy of the Council and show that they had a good governance structure.

·         Organisations that had received more than £10k from the Council recently were ineligible to apply for this funding.

·         The Council asked for groups applying for funding to have a Safeguarding Policy as a minimum. Previously, groups had applied without a Policy and the Council was able to provide them with guidance on safeguarding templates so they would become eligible to the grant funding.

·         The funding needed to be allocated by the end of the financial year, and rolling applications would be accepted.

·         Eligible organisations did not have to involve volunteering, but the funding would only apply to capacity-building activities.