Outline application with all matters reserved other than access,
comprising residential led development of up to 700 dwellings of
use class C3 (dwellings), approximately 500 sqm of
neighbourhood-level facilities, a new 2FE primary school, open
space, play space, green infrastructure, and associated accesses
(vehicular, pedestrian and cycle), including a new primary access
off Stotfold Road with limited access off High Dane (as amended by
plans and documents received 6th,13th and 29th January 2020, 4th,
and 20th February 2020, 8th September 2020 and 17th, 20th and 21st
December 2021 and 24th January 2023 and 21 August 2023).
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That application 18/01154/OP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.
Audio recording – 5 minutes 18 seconds
The Senior Planning Officer presented the report in respect of application 18/01154/OP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.
The following Members asked points of clarification:
· Councillor Simon Bloxham
· Councillor Nigel Mason
· Councillor Sean Nolan
· Councillor David Levett
· Councillor Louise Peace
· Councillor Tom Tyson
· Councillor Daniel Allen
In response to the points of clarification the Senior Planning Officer stated that:
· The applicant used manual and automatic traffic counts to update the traffic assessment and found that the original assessment was robust, and the traffic assessment mitigation was detailed in the report.
· There were specific transport projects detailed under strand 1 of the S106 money and Highways have highlighted projects to allocate any remaining S106 money.
· The signalised ‘shuttle system’ under the Woolgrove Road bridge had been earmarked, along with ongoing work on other Hitchin transport projects.
· The widening the footpath under the Woolgrove Road bridge would allow users to pass each other safely, along with a shuttle traffic light system.
· There would be a one-way system under the Bridge with a height restriction, this would make it clearer to drivers and decrease bridge strikes. The cost for the bridge work was estimated at £500K.
· Projects and their feasibility had been highlighted on page 32 of the report.
· The money would be sent to HCC Highways who would then allocate the funding to the right projects according to feasibility and stage of the project.
· The footpath under the bridge would be increased from one metre wide to about 2 metres.
In response to the points of clarification the Senior Development Officer for Development Management at Hertfordshire County Council Highways stated that:
· The widening of the footpath would increase user safety, as vehicles going under the bridge would then use the middle of the road, this scheme was workable and deliverable.
· The 2017 traffic assessment had been quantified and the transport assessment trip data was robust, the trip data should show an industry standard of point 05.
· The speed limit on the Stotfold Road would be reduced to 30 miles per hour.
In response to the points of clarification the Group Manager for Local Development Plans and Strategic Development at Hertfordshire County Council Highways stated that:
· The shuttle system used traffic lights, and only allowed the one way flow of traffic at any given time, consideration had been given to any impact on congestion.
· The strand 1 works identified as S278 were usually required to develop the site and were usually carried out by a third party or the developer.
· Strand 2 works were normally identified as S106 with a contribution from the applicant. A number of schemes would be identified, and the work would usually be carried out by HCC and could take place over a number of years.
· The road speed would be 30 miles per hour from ... view the full minutes text for item 118