Erection of one detached 4-bed dwelling with integral garage and
creation of vehicular access off Ashwell Road (as amended by plans
received 23/10/2023).
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That application 23/01807/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.
Audio recording – 45 minutes 8 seconds
The Senior Planning Officer provided an update that there was a typological error and that Condition 10 should state driveway instead of car park.
The Senior Planning Officer presented the report in respect of application 23/01807/FP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.
The following Members asked points of clarification:
· Councillor David Levett
· Councillor Tom Tyson
In response to the points of clarification, the Senior Planning Officer stated that:
· Highways had requested that the applicant show vehicle/pedestrian visibility splays at the access point and that the footpath on the site’s frontage was widened from 1.4 metres to 2.4 metres.
· The vehicle/pedestrian visibility splays requested by Highways had been secured by the proposed amended Condition 9.
· The application site was located in a rural area, where the width of footpaths were 1.4 metres. It was felt that the request from Highways to extend this to 2.4 metres in front of the application site was unreasonable.
The Chair invited Colin Eades to speak in support of the application. Mr Eades thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided the Committee with a verbal presentation including that:
· The key issue related to a recommendation from HCC Highways regarding the width of the footpath.
· All the consultees supported the application however, HCC Highways had imposed a condition beyond the bounds of reasonableness or appropriateness.
· The footpaths were a constant 1.4 metres wide in this area, including the 15 metres applicable to this application.
· Under the proposed Highways condition the 15 metres in question would be expanded to 2.4 metres, however the remaining stretches of footpaths in Ashwell Road would remain at 1.4 metre wide.
· There were four dwellings in the area and no incidents had occurred on the footpaths, it was occasionally used by dogwalkers as there were no amenities in walking distance, so most journeys were made by car.
· The visual displays would provide a gradual widening of the access area.
· There had been concerns from the Conservation Officer regarding the loss of hedgerows and wildlife habitat.
· HCC Highways had not imposed a similar footpath request for a nearby dwelling that currently had no footpath and the footpaths on Walsworth Road, one of the busiest roads in the district were on average 1.4 metres wide.
· The application was fully complaint with HCC Highways request, for vehicle and pedestrian visibility displays ensuring pedestrian safety.
The Chair thanked Mr Eades for his presentation.
Councillor Sean Nolan commented that this was an easy decision for Members and that the Committee should follow the recommendation of the Senior Planning Officer regarding the pavement width.
Councillor Tom Tyson and Councillor Daniel Allen seconded, and following a vote, it was:
RESOLVED: That application 23/01807/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.