Change of use and conversion of barn to provide one 4-bed dwelling
including two front extensions and one rear extension, hip to gable
roof extension, alterations to openings, and installation of solar
panels (amended by plans received on 29/06/23 and 30/06/23).
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That application 23/00334/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.
Audio recording – 35 minutes 17 seconds
The Senior Planning Officer provided updates:
· The report should state ‘planning application’ rather than ‘pre-application request’ at the end of the last sentence of paragraph 4.1.1.
· The County Councils Highway Officer had stated in a response from March 2023 that they do not wish to restrict the grant of permission and that this would be added as paragraph 3.8.
The Senior Planning Officer presented the report in respect of application 23/00334/FP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.
The following Members asked points of clarification:
· Councillor Tom Tyson
· Councillor Daniel Allen
· Councillor Louise Peace
In response to the points of clarification, the Senior Planning Officer stated that:
· The original planning application which was granted back in 2022 had been approved by the Parish Council, but that there was an objection to this application.
· The bin stores were clearly marked on the plans as a black rectangle.
· This new application had added a workshop and store to the front extension which brought it closer to Church Farm.
The Chair invited Ms Rosalind Murray to speak against the application. Ms Murray thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided the Committee with a verbal presentation including that:
· The plans were not sensitive to have a building of this size in a conservation area.
· The barn was agricultural in its original use.
· The new extension was very close to Church Farmhouse.
· The solar panels were clearly visible from the public highway and this caused an infringement on the conservation area.
· The inclusion of a glazed window added an urban note which was not in keeping with a conservation area.
· The plans were not sympathetic and did not preserve or enhance the conservation area.
The Chair thanked Ms Murray for her presentation and invited Mr Kendall Cordes to speak against the application. Mr Cordes thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided the Committee with a verbal presentation including that:
· He lived at Church Farm, the property next door to the planning application.
· The solar panels would be very high and prominent, which would make them visible as you drove through the village.
· The barn was opposite a Grade 2 listed church and this planning application would not preserve or enhance the character of the village.
· The solar panels should be positioned out of view.
· The new extension had narrowed the distance to the width of a small gate from Church Farm.
· The workshop doors would obstruct the access of next door.
In response to a point of clarification from Councillor David Levett, Mr Cordes confirmed that the white building next to Church Farm was part of his house.
The Chair thanked Mr Cordes for his presentation and invited Councillor Claire Strong to speak against the application as Member Advocate. Councillor Strong thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided the Committee with a verbal presentation including that:
· She had called this application in support of Lilley Parish Council and the neighbours.
· The original ... view the full minutes text for item 150