Issue - meetings

HR Information Note

Meeting: 13/03/2024 - Joint Staff Consultative Committee (Item 89)


To update the Joint Staff Consultative Committee on the progress made in the last quarter completing HR work and projects and supporting people issues.



The Human Resources Services Manager presented the Information Note entitles ‘HR update’.


Audio Recording – 5 minutes 37 seconds


The Human Resources Services Manager presented the Information Note entitled ‘HR update’ and advised Members that:-


·                Internal secondments had enabled current employees to develop their skills. 

·                Unfilled vacancies continued, especially in hard to fill roles such as Legal and IT. Other roles had been readvertised, skills developed internally or trainees had been recruited to develop into roles.

·                The staff survey had been launched, there had already been a good response from staff. The results would be reviewed when the survey closed in April 2024.

·                Since the publication of the agenda, a green book pay claim had been received from the unions which was for £3000 or 10%, whichever is greater, on all spinal column points. Negotiations would begin and regional pay briefings would be arranged.

·                There were currently 8 apprentices in post, with 1 apprentice securing a permanent role with the Council. National Apprenticeship Week was also marked with articles on social media about the current apprentices.

·                The Inclusion Group had discussed over 55s in the workplace and how the Council can ensure continued support. Staff discussed using flexi time to support their own wellbeing and suggestions on keeping general IT skills up to date. The IT team would look at providing IT champions to provide support.

·                Work continued on raising awareness of micro aggressions and unconscious bias.

·                It was noted that an increase in staff absences was expected in Autumn and Winter months due to minor ailments.

·                Figures from January 2024 had not yet reached the levels of October and November 2023, but levels were higher than this time last year.

·                It was noted there was also a national increase in sick absence, with a reported increase of 5.8 days to 7.8 days per employee, per year. Monitoring would continue and advice and support would be available to manage absence.


The following Members asked questions:


·                Councillor Clare Strong

·                Councillor Tom Plater


In response to questions, the HR Services Manager stated:


·          The staff survey would close at the end of April and 130 responses had been received to date from 380 total staff. HR were expecting more and would continue to chase on this.

·                It was questioned as to how long the 5 outstanding unfilled staff vacancies had been available. The information on how long the 5 unfilled staff vacancies had been outstanding was not available at the meeting but would be gathered and circulated to members.

·               It was confirmed that musculoskeletal refers to broken bones or back problems, which can be work related.   

·               HR confirmed they contact managers to look at reason behind absences and provide support and guidance to individuals and their circumstances.