Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/04/2024 - Planning Control Committee (Item 205)

205 APPEALS pdf icon PDF 7 KB


Additional documents:


The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled ‘Planning Appeals’.


Audio Recording: 37 minutes 8 seconds


The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled ‘Planning Appeals’ and informed the Committee that:


·       One appeal had been dismissed for a property in Barley.

·       The decision for the solar farm in Great Wymondley following the public enquiry had been overruled by the Secretary of State.

·       The application for the Bygrave solar farm, which had previously received a hold notice from the Secretary of State, would be returned to a future planning meeting for discussion.

·       A further application for a solar farm at Wandon End, near Luton Airport would be discussed at a future meeting.


The following Members asked points of clarification:


·         Councillor Nigel Mason

·         Councillor David Levett


In response to the points of clarification, the Development and Conservation Manager advised that:


·         The Councils costs for the public enquiry was around £78,000, plus officer time. A recent letter from the Great Wymondley Residents Association showed a possible intention to challenge this decision in the High Court, although this would not stop the judicial review period of six weeks following the decision.

·         There would not necessarily be a need for the Council to be represented during any Judicial Review in the High Court. It would be for the Secretary of State to be legally represented to defend his decision.


RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report.