Issue - meetings

Full Year 3C's Report - 23/24

Meeting: 18/06/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)


To provide an update on the Councils comments, compliments, and complaints statistics for 2023 / 2024.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the 3Cs Information provided was noted.



Audio Recording: 2 hours 6 minutes and 10 seconds


Councillor Val Bryant, as Executive Member for Community/Partnerships presented the Information note entitled “Full Year Update on 3Cs 23/24” and advised that:


·       Members were referred to Page 39 Appendix A regarding the 3cs dashboard, and page 41, the breakdown of service and type, Appendix B.

·       The number of compliments and complaints to the Council decreased as compared with 2022/23.  Comments received by the Council rose slightly.

·       Complaints received by the Council and contractors decreased by 8% compared to 2022/23.

·       53.4% of those complaints received related to services delivered by our key contractors, ie Waste Services and Leisure Centres.

·       The percentage of stage 1 complaints resolved in 10 days had increased by 86%.  The councils target was 80%.

·       The percentage of interactions, collections and visitors resulting in complaints was below 0.5%

·       The council received 142 compliments across its services.

·       The Council received 29 stage 2 complaints, but only 4 of these were deemed to be justified.

·       There were 6 Stage 3 complaints forwarded to the Ombudsman in 2023/24.  This was a 54% decrease from 2022/23. Out of these cases, 0 have been upheld and 1 remains open.


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Elizabeth Dennis

·       Councillor Tom Tyson


In response to questions, the Customer Services Manager stated that:


·       The stage 2 complaints were general across various service areas and varied reasons why the complaints were not justified. One query was withdrawn, showing the Council was not at fault, and one was a query on public spending.

·       The system did ask for any feedback to be taken or any learning opportunities that can be taken onboard to make improvements.

·       It was confirmed that in the 3Cs table, this would now be split to show positive, negative and neutral comments and the Council would work towards a target of 90% of complaints responded to in 10 working days.

·       A benchmarking procedure was started in 2023 with other councils across the county. Data had been received from some authorities for 2022/23 and further data had been requested for 2023/24. This was being collated and would be shared with the committee.

·       This information note will be published on the Members Information Service.

·       The Committee may want to consider this information during the item regarding Key Performance Indicators.