Issue - meetings

23/01749/FPH 45 West Street, Lilley, Luton, Hertfordshire, LU2 8LN

Meeting: 13/06/2024 - Planning Control Committee (Item 9)



Two  storey  side  extension  and  single  storey  rear  extension.  Insertion  of rooflights  to  existing  outbuilding  and  erection  of  detached single  garagefollowing demolition of existing garage. 


Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That contrary to the officer recommendation, application 23/01749/FPH be GRANTED planning permission and listed building consent. As the applicant proposed changes to the external materials in an informal submission, the resolution was subject to the following condition to be attached to both the permission and listed building consent:


Notwithstanding the materials shown on the submitted plans and application form, details and/or samples of all external materials to be used for the works, hereby granted consent, shall be submitted to, and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any works are commenced.


Reason: To safeguard the character and appearance of the listed building to which this consent relates and to comply with Policies SP13 and HE1 of the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011 to 2031.




Audio recording: 4 Hours 6 minutes and 20 seconds


The Senior Planning Officer provided an update that:


·       Documents were on the website prior to the meeting including a letter from the applicant and a response from the planning officer.

·       The development would lead to less than substantial harm to heritage assets and there were no public benefits that outweighed the harm identified.

·       The Council acknowledged the letter from the applicant, and the proposed changes, they are not for consideration, and it remained the original scheme for determination.

·       The changes in the letter from the applicant were that the development was still 2 storey, but slightly reduced in height and set further back from the front elevation.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report in respect of application 23/01749/FPH supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.


There were no questions for the planning officer.


The Chair invited Parish Councillor Nicola Price to speak in support of the application. Councillor Price thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided the Committee with a verbal presentation, including that:


·       Councillor Price was showing support for this application as a Parish Councillor and a resident of the village.

·       The village was very protective of its area and residents are usually vocal about schemes that harm the historic aspects of the village. However, this application agrees with the historic aspect and in keeping with the charm of the village.

·       Lilley is a very small village and needs young families. It was required to house young families in the area in properties that could sustain this.

·       Lilley Conservation Charter set out in 2020 notes key properties in the area, a large amount were detached or semi-detached and enhances the village. It was believed this scheme adhered to the criteria.

·       Removal of the garage would increase the area between houses.

·       The materials to be used would enhance and retain 45 West Street for its future.

·       The applicants had sympathetically restored the property and maintained its original character.

·       The need for a third bedroom with a growing family was very apparent. The current second bedroom has a very small floor space and was restricted by height.

·       The applicants are keen members of the community and would be a shame to see them have to move on from the area.

·       The direct neighbours and members of the community have approached the Parish Council, all in support of the application, and had urged the Parish Council to back this application.

·       The proposed extension would not be visible to passers-by, demonstrating the minimal impact on the conservation area.

·       Identical cottages in the area had also had planning permission for similar adaptations.


There were no points of clarification from Members.


In response to points raised, the Senior Planning Officer clarified that no amended plans were submitted to the planning department, who only received a letter responding to comments. The Planning officer would not accept the principal of a 2-storey side extension to the property.


The Chair thanked Councillor Price  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9