Issue - meetings

Future Discussion Topics

Meeting: 12/06/2024 - Joint Staff Consultative Committee (Item 7)


To consider the subjects for debate at future meeting of the Committee.


The Chair suggested the topics of ‘Coaching and Mentoring’ and ‘Staff Survey Results’ for the next meeting of the Committee and this was agreed with Members present.


Audio recording – 45 minutes 43 seconds


The Chair led a discussion on future topics for the Committee to consider. The following Members took part in the discussion:


·       Councillor Daniel Allen

·       Councillor Claire Strong

·       Councillor Ruth Brown

·       Councillor Val Bryant


The following points were made as part of the discussion:


·       Coaching and Mentoring would be a good topic for the next meeting.

·       The Staff Survey and Coaching and Mentoring would be good topics for the next meeting.

·       The Succession Planning and Development topic was important, and this had been highlighted by the recent vacancies in the Estates Department and was also critical for any Service Director roles.

·       The Succession Planning and Development topic would be more relevant after the peer review.

·       Key critical employees having longer notice periods was discussed and whether this would aid in the succession planning.

·       However ,employees can be less motivated during their notice period.

·       Some employers consider confidentiality conflicts and can lead to an employee to leaving employment sooner than expected.

·       That holiday leave can often shorten the actual working days during the notice period.


The Chair confirmed the topics of ‘Coaching and Mentoring’ and ‘Staff Survey Results’ for the next meeting of the Committee and this was agreed by all the Members present.