Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 COUNCIL DELIVERY PLAN 2023-24 (END OF YEAR) pdf icon PDF 247 KB



This report presents progress on delivering the Council Delivery Plan for 23-24 at the end of Quarter 4.



Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


(1)   Noted the progress against Council projects as set out in the Council Delivery Plan (Appendix A) including new milestones and changes to milestone dates.


(2)   Noted the completion in Q4 of the projects detailed in paragraph 8.5.


REASON FOR DECISIONS:  The Council Delivery Plan (CDP) monitoring reports provide Overview and Scrutiny, and Cabinet, with an opportunity to monitor progress against the key Council projects, and understand any new issues, risks, or opportunities.


Audio recording – 5 minutes 42 seconds


The Chair invited Councillor Matt Barnes, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to present the referral on this item. Councillor Barnes advised that there had been discussion around:


·       Interest in projects in the Enterprise directorate and to bring this item to a future meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

·       Associated risks with the Waste Contract mobilisation which were on the Agenda for the Extraordinary meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting to be held on 2 July 2024.

·       The mechanisms used to review the Council Delivery Plan going forward.


Councillor Ian Albert, as Executive Member for Finance and IT, presented the report entitled ‘Council Delivery Plan 2023-24 (End of Year)’ and advised that:


·       This report detailed the position of projects on the Council Delivery Plan at the end of the year.

·       The proposed changes to projects this quarter were detailed in paragraph 8.4.

·       Details of the completed projects this quarter were listed in paragraph 8.5.

·       A more focused set of projects for 2024/25 had been agreed in March and these would be reviewed after the setting of a new Council Plan.

·       The Delivery Plan was reviewed on a quarterly basis where any comments from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be taken into account.

·       Details of individual projects could be viewed in Ideagen (previously known as Pentana) as explained in paragraph 8.8.


Councillor Ian Albert proposed and Councillor Amy Allen seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


(1)   Noted the progress against Council projects as set out in the Council Delivery Plan (Appendix A) including new milestones and changes to milestone dates.


(2)   Noted the completion in Q4 of the projects detailed in paragraph 8.5.


REASON FOR DECISIONS:  The Council Delivery Plan (CDP) monitoring reports provide Overview and Scrutiny, and Cabinet, with an opportunity to monitor progress against the key Council projects, and understand any new issues, risks, or opportunities.