Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/06/2024 - Planning Control Committee (Item 21)



The Development and Conservation Manager presented the Appeals Reports from the meeting of the Committee on 13 June 2024.


The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled Planning Appeals and informed the Committee that:


·       Five appeals had been lodged since April through written representations procedure.

·       The Committee was informed of the three appeals procedures; the written procedure where was an exchange of written statements, the hearing procedure which was an exchange of written procedures and a hearing presided over by an inspector with round table discussion, and public inquiry which was a semi judicial process that involves barristers and cross examination and re-examination of expert witnesses.

·       The appeals were modest scale developments and the majority had been refused.

·       The matters of the appeals related to the Green Belt, character and appearance, and effect upon a neighbour.

·       The Council had been notified of the intention to submit an appeal through the public inquiry procedure and if that appeal was lodged it would be reported at the next meeting. It related to the residential development at Rhee Spring in Baldock put in by Chalkdene.

·       The reason for refusal was related to failure to deliver the required amount of affordable housing, as they were offering two units, significantly less than the required 40%.

RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report.