Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment (Item 5)


To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.


The Chair led a discussion with Members and members of the public present on topics raised at this meeting.


Audio recording – 109 minutes 03 seconds


The Chair invited Sue Lines to address the Panel, and Ms Lines advised that:


·       There were missed opportunities to involve groups and residents in the process to address climate and sustainability issues.

·       Previously roadshows had taken place to engage regular people with actions ongoing and changes they could make.

·       It would be helpful to know what was being done to help ordinary people who did not have the funds to participate in some of the able-to-pay schemes that the Council had run, such as Solar Together.


In response to the points raised, the Policy and Strategy Team Leader advised that:


·       Support for lower income families to retrofit homes has centred around funding available from central government, as the Council does not have the budget to support this.

·       There were several current schemes being run which would support lower income families to make their homes more energy efficient and the Panel would be kept updated on these accordingly.