To review the progress and delivery of the Anti-Fraud plan 2024-25.
RESOLVED:That the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee noted the progress by Officers and the Shared Anti-Fraud Service to deliver the Anti-Fraud Plan for the Council.
Audio recording – 20 minutes 41 seconds
The Senior Fraud Investigator presented the report entitled ‘SAFS Anti-Fraud Progress Report 2024-25’ and highlighted that:
· The report covered the period from April 2024 to August 2024.
· There had been 97 days delivered, and this was on track for the year.
· The software package was still unable to separate out urgent cases, however all cases were being logged within 24 hours of submission which was the standard for urgent cases.
· There had been 20 urgent fraud awareness alerts, these included overpayment fraud, impersonation fraud and payment diversions and were also included in the bi-monthly threat report.
· They had delivered 5 training sessions with a further session scheduled for October.
· Work was ongoing to engage with the public and included library events in conjunction with Hertfordshire County Council, which members of the public could attend. There was an upcoming meeting at Letchworth Library on 23 October 2024.
· There had been 33 allegations received to date with an estimate fraud value of £243K. It was encouraging that this was lower than comparable partners.
· There had been 4 cases closed this year and 15 Council Tax reviews with a value of £20K loss / future savings.
· In October, data matches would be uploaded to the National Fraud Initiative, and the results were expected in January 2025.
· Data matches had been uploaded to the Hertfordshire Fraud Hub ahead of time and they had already detected £17K of fraud loss / savings.
· Work was ongoing to reduce the housing waiting list and 1 property had recently been recovered for a housing provider with nomination rights to NHDC Waiting list and a family rehoused.
The following Members asked questions:
· Councillor Dominic Griffiths
· Councillor Vijaiya Poopalasingham
· Councillor Sean Nolan
· Councillor Paul Ward
In response to questions, the Senior Fraud Investigator advised that:
· A third of the financial year had passed and 97 delivered days was on track.
· The framework data on page 39 of the report would be conducted by a third party, and a decision about joining the pilot would be made shortly by NHDC.
· For future meetings, a more detailed report on savings could be considered, however the Senior SAFS Officer was not available to commit to this..
· The casework system was still unable to separate out urgent cases. However all cases had a response time within 24 hour and work was ongoing with the software provider.
Councillor Vijaiya Poopalasingham proposed and Councillor Ruth Brown seconded and, following a vote, it was:
RESOLVED:That the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee noted the progress by Officers and the Shared Anti-Fraud Service to deliver the Anti-Fraud Plan for the Council.