Issue - meetings

Community Survey Round Two results (March – May 2024)

Meeting: 03/09/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 34)




To consider the key findings and observations from the Community Survey Round Two results (March - May 2024).

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That Committee commented on and noted the key findings and observations from round two of the Community Survey and commented on the approach to future surveys (as detailed in section 8.7.2).


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That Cabinet consider the recommendations and comments from Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


REASONS FOR DECISION: To ensure that Overview and Scrutiny and Cabinet are aware of the round two results of our digital Community Survey and how they compare to both our round one (2023) results and the Local Government Association (LGA) February 2024 Resident Satisfaction phone survey results.


Audio recording – 3 minutes 56 seconds


Councillor Daniel Allen, as Leader of the Council, presented the report entitled ‘Community Survey Round Two Results (March-May 2024)’ and advised that:


·       The first digital residents survey was conducted last year by Zencity.

·       Digital surveys were able to be conducted more regularly than phone surveys, to provide ‘of the moment’ opinions from residents.

·       As this was the second survey conducted in this way, the current satisfaction levels of residents can be directly compared with the results from last year.  

·       The sample size aimed to be representative of the North Herts population as possible by using the 2021 Census population data to guide who their digital adverts targeted.

·       It was noted that satisfaction scores were often lower on digital surveys than those conducted by phone, where interviewers can explain questions in more detail and build a relationship with the interviewee.

·       Surveys were just one method of receiving feedback from residents, with Councillor surgeries and forums offering in-person opportunities to provide feedback.

·       There had been a 3% increase in satisfaction with waste and recycling services, the Council provided value for money, and how the Council involved, consulted, engaged and listened to residents.

·       Residents had continued to be satisfied with North Herts as a place to live (74%), and around two thirds had said they would recommend it as a place to live.

·       There had been a 3% increase in trust in North Herts Council, with a 22% increase in Royston and a 12% in Southern Rural areas compared to 2023.


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Jon Clayden

·       Councillor Claire Winchester

·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor Elizabeth Dennis

·       Councillor Tom Tyson

·       Councillor Donna Wright

·       Councillor Laura Williams

·       Councillor Tina Bhartwas

·       Councillor Martin Prescott

·       Councillor Matt Barnes

·       Councillor Daniel Wright-Mason

·       Councillor Louise Peace


In response to questions, Councillor Daniel Allen advised that:


·       The digital survey was one way of receiving feedback from residents and there were other non-digital methods, such as Councillor surgeries, Community Forums, Ward Walks and customer complaints and contact via the website.

·       The Council had two further rounds of surveys to be conducted by Zencity, and it was felt that a new approach should be taken in future, which would allow for more targeted and specific questions.

·       There had been a ‘who does what’ poster produced to try and provide detail on which services were provided by District and County Councils, which had been promoted online and in print.

·       He was confident that the Communications team were able to put out the information, but it was difficult when you try to engage but this is not listened to.

·       There had been an increase in direct communication with the public through increased surgeries and forums.

·       Whilst there were some issues the Council could not improve, such as roads, there would be a focus on the issues which could be addressed, such as housing, car parking, provision of activities for young people and teenagers and listening to residents.

·       Further questions directed at young people and teenagers  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34