Issue - meetings

Council Delivery Plan Q1 update

Meeting: 03/09/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 36)




This report presents progress on delivering the Council Delivery Plan for 2024-25. This is a Quarter 1 update, but reflects progress up to the point that this report was prepared.


Additional documents:




(1)   That Overview and Scrutiny Committee commented on the Council Delivery Plan Quarter 1 monitoring report, including the recommendations made to Cabinet.


(2)   That Overview and Scrutiny Committee determined any project that they want to receive more detail on as part of the next monitoring report.


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That Cabinet notes the progress against Council projects as set out in the Council Delivery Plan (Appendix A) including the new milestones that have been set for the current year.


REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: The Council Delivery Plan (CDP) monitoring reports provide Overview and Scrutiny, and Cabinet, with an opportunity to monitor progress against the key Council projects, and understand any new issues, risks, or opportunities.


Audio recording – 95 minutes 14 seconds


The Service Director – Resources presented the report entitled ‘Council Delivery Plan 2024-25 (Quarter 1 Update)’ and advised that:


·       The Council Delivery Plan (CDP) had been shortened following comments from Overview and Scrutiny Committee in during the 2023/2024 Civic Year.

·       Projects could be added into the CDP to reflect the new Council Plan, if required. 

·       A report around KPIs was brought to the Committee in June 2024 to agree what would be included and regular updates were agreed.

·       The quarter 1 update is to end of June 2024, but some further information had been added to around mid-August.

·       All milestones were new, and as there were now fewer projects, the aim was to provide more detail on the milestone for each project.

·       There were 5 amber rated performance indicators, and these were outlined, alongside contextual commentary, at paragraphs 8.3 and 8.4 of the report.

·       The County Council had previously funded the flu vaccine for staff but had confirmed they would not continue to do that this year, so options for funding would need to be explored to support this.

·       It was difficult to establish comparative staff turnover data with other authorities, but there was some general data provided by the LGA. However, this covered all authority types, where some may run services in house and would not be a fair comparison.

·       Leisure centres visits were doing well against performance indicators, but target was set against the target from last year, not the actual number achieved last year, which exceeded the target. 


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor Matt Barnes

·       Councillor Elizabeth Dennis

·       Councillor Jon Clayden

·       Councillor Donna Wright


In response to questions, the Service Director – Resources advised that:


·       The biggest issue with staffing was where the vacancies were and if a number existed in one team, then contractors were required to fulfil the service. It could be explored whether the position vacancy rate could be provided and whether it would add context.

·       Staff surveys were conducted infrequently so would not be reported on a quarterly basis. The recent survey was still being reviewed.

·       Some KPIs of third party contractors had been included where it was deemed most relevant.

·       A piece of work could be conducted to look at the rise in alarm calls to Careline and further information could be provided. This could be supplemented by a presentation from Careline, or the Executive Member.

·       Numerical changes in trends could be provided rather than up or down arrows, may help to add context.

·       Major projects would have a project board in place, and, at end of project, a lesson learnt report would be compiled and presented to the Officer Leadership Team. This can come to Scrutiny, if requested, and is shared with other project managers to help with the learning of lessons.

·       Clarity would need to be provided on the Local Plan Review project from the Executive Member.

·       Details on the number of EV charging points to be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36