Issue - meetings

Strategic Planning Matters

Meeting: 10/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 52)



This report identifies the latest position on key planning and transport issues affecting the District.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


(1)   Noted the report on strategic planning matters.


(2)   Endorsed the documents at Appendices A, C and D.


(3)   Noted and endorsed the revised Terms of Reference for the Strategic Planning Project Board at Appendix B.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To keep Cabinet informed of recent developments on strategic planning matters.


Audio recording – 1 hour 06 minutes 50 seconds 


The Leader of the Council presented the report entitled ‘Strategic Planning Matters’ and advised that:


·       This report identified that latest position on key planning and transport issues affecting the District.

·       This report was for information purposes and to be noted.

·       The report identified key matters of importance to Cabinet.

·       Details of the changes and implications for the District resulting from the National Framework 2024 Consultation were set out in Appendix A.

·       The amendments to the Terms of Reference were set out in Appendix B of the report and these were also summarised in the main report.

·       Officers were currently reviewing the latest representations regarding the proposed expansion of Luton Airport and would then come to a decision with the other Host Authorities whether to submit further comments.

·       An update of the six largest strategic housing sites were set out in the report.

·       The Council had reached an understanding with Uttlesford in relation to the consultation on their Local Plan and a copy of this could be found at Appendix C.

·       The Officer response to the consultation regarding the review of the Stevenage Local Plan was highlighted in Appendix D.


In response to a question from Councillor Ian Albert, the Service Director – Regulatory advised that the side agreement being considered with regard to the Hitchin junction at A505 had been removed as an agreement could not be reached and the Council maintained the view that the current design was unacceptable.


The following Members took part in a debate:


·        Councillor Daniel Allen

·        Councillor Ian Albert


Points raised in a debate included:


·       It would be useful to have a one-page summary at the beginning of the document as an index guide.

·       The changes to the Terms of Reference for the Strategic Planning Project Board were welcomed as highlighted in paragraph 8.8 of the report.  


Councillor Amy Allen proposed and Councillor Mick Debenham seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


(1)   Noted the report on strategic planning matters.


(2)   Endorsed the documents at Appendices A, C and D.


(3)   Noted and endorsed the revised Terms of Reference for the Strategic Planning Project Board at Appendix B.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To keep Cabinet informed of recent developments on strategic planning matters.