To consider any questions submitted by Members of the Council, in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11 (b).
There were three questions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11.
(A) Solar Farm Strategy
Councillor Ralph Muncer to Councillor Daniel Allen Interim Executive Member for Planning and Transport.
(B) Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework
Councillor Ralph Muncer to Councillor Daniel Allen, Leader of the Council.
(C) Environmental Crime Officers
Councillor David Barnard to Councillor Amy Allen, Executive Member for Recycling and Waste Management.
Audio recording – 9 minutes 41 seconds
N.B. Councillor Dominic Griffiths returned to the Chamber at 19:40.
In accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11, three questions had been submitted by the required deadline set out in the Constitution.
(A)Solar Farm Strategy
Councillor Ralph Muncer to Councillor Daniel Allen, Interim Executive Member for Planning and Transport:
‘To ask the Interim Executive Member for Planning and Transport whether the administration will bring forward a Solar Farms Strategy for North Hertfordshire in response to a number of recent Solar Farm applications across the District?’
Councillor Daniel Allen provided the following response:
‘Last week Cabinet approved the new Sustainability SPD to support the Local Plan. This includes additional guidance on matters we will take into account when considering applications for solar farms. This will also be considered through the Local Plan Review. If the proposals in the current consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework are brought forward, the Council will be expected to proactively identify sites for renewable and low carbon development when producing plans.’
Councillor Ralph Muncer asked a supplementary question, as follows:
‘Does Councillor Allen agree that local communities, including those in North Hertfordshire, should have a meaningful say when these applications are brought forward or does Councillor Allen agree with his colleague the Chancellor of the Exchequer in that ‘local communities should suck it up’?’
Councillor Daniel Allen responded:
‘I agree with our planning board, whenever they make a decision that affects our residents. They are the ones that are there to make these decisions and I will support them on the decisions that they make.’
(B) Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework
Councillor Ralph Muncer to Councillor Daniel Allen, Leader of the Council:
‘To ask the Leader of the Council if he will set out Council’s response to the consultation on the Government’s proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system?’
Councillor Daniel Allen provided the following response:
‘Officers have drafted a technical response to the detailed questions in the consultation which will be finalised and submitted and reported in a future Strategic Planning Matters report to Cabinet. Any covering letter, political response or equivalent from the Council will be based upon the outcomes of the relevant motions that follow on from tonight's agenda.’
Councillor Ralph Muncer asked a supplementary question, as follows:
‘Can I invite the Leader of the Council to join me in stating that North Hertfordshire is not a suitable location for a government mandated new town?’
Councillor Daniel Allen responded:
‘No, because it would pre-empt any consultation or debate that we have as a Council, so no.’
(C) Environmental Crime Officers
Councillor David Barnard to Councillor Amy Allen, Executive Member for Recycling and Waste:
‘To ask the Executive Member for Recycling and Waste how many Environmental Crime Officers are employed by Council to investigate offences such as Fly-tipping?’
Councillor Amy Allen provided the following response:
Councillor David Barnard asked ... view the full minutes text for item 42