Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/09/2024 - Council (Item 46)

46 COUNCIL PLAN AND PRIORITIES 2024-2028 pdf icon PDF 444 KB



This report proposes a new Council Plan and process for finalising the Plan.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That Council:


(1)   Reviewed and approved the Council Plan with the four new Council Priorities as outlined below:


·       Thriving Communities

·       Accessible Services

·       Responsible Growth

·       Sustainability


(2)   Delegated authority to the Managing Director and Leader of the Council to approve any minor amendments to wording required as part of the design process.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: The Council Plan is a key element of the corporate business planning process, as a high-level strategic document it sets out the Council’s Priorities for the next four years. As an overarching policy framework document, it guides and influences the use of Council resources; providing a focus for activities, plans, and services that the Council provide. The introduction to the plan highlights the link between the Council Plan and the Medium[1]Term Financial Strategy and service delivery plans.


Audio recording – 3 hours 8 minutes 40 seconds


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Daniel Allen presented the referral from Cabinet and the report entitled ‘The Council Plan and Priorities 2024-2028’ and stated that:


·       The report highlighted the visions and starting priorities of key projects.

·       This report aligned with the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and the Council Delivery Plan.

·       The Overview and Scrutiny Committee suggested a diagram to explain the relationship between the Plan and the MTFS, and this would be incorporated in the design process.

·       A workshop took place in June attended by members of the administration, the leadership team and key Officers to share key priorities and aspirations for the next 4 years. They reflected on previous achievements and evaluated the required resources for the key projects.

·       There would be a smaller working group formed to oversee the progression of the Plan.

·       A further workshop was held in July to narrow down the priorities and to select key project and initiatives.

·       The Plan had been drafted in August and reviewed by the working group and the leadership team.

·       The Plan was reviewed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and whilst no formal amendments were recommended, they suggested the addition of performances indicators and timeframes for initiatives. It was noted that these details would be available in the Council Delivery Plan and the MTFS.

·       The Overview and Scrutiny Committee suggested that more context was required regarding ‘Net Zero’ and that more information about supporting business and economic development should be provided. The Enterprise team have provided information regarding these requests.

·       Cabinet reflected on the suggestions from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and felt that should the Plan be approved then any suggestions could be incorporated at the design stage.

·       Cabinet made no formal amendments to the recommendations.

·       Should Council approve this item, the Plan would then be formatted and designed with minor amendments being approved by the Managing Director and the Leader of the Council.


In response to a question from Councillor Matt Barnes, the Policy and Strategy Team Leader stated that a response to actions raised at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been sent to the Scrutiny Officer and those details would come out through the budget and service delivery process.


The following Members took part in debate:


·       Councillor Ruth Brown

·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor Matt Barns

·       Councillor Martin Prescott

·       Councillor Daniel Allen


Points raised in debate included:


·       It was just the headlines that had changed.

·       The Plan lacked any ambition, and some of the projects had already been progressed through the previous joint administration.

·       The plan did not discuss bin collection which was a priority.

·       It was disappointing that the reasonable recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny had not been incorporated.

·       The Plan did not set out the clear challenges that the Council faced.

·       The Council had difficult decisions to make due to the uncertainties of Local Government funding however, this was not detailed in the Plan.

·       The Plan did not reflect that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46