To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.
The Chair confirmed that the registered speakers were in attendance.
Audio recording – 3 minutes 32 seconds
The Chair invited Ms Hilary Napier to address the Committee regarding Item 7 Chesfield Conservation Area. Ms Napier thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided the Committee with a verbal presentation, including that:
· She lived in the area at Chesfield that had been proposed as a conservation area.
· Last September Cabinet resolved that the proposed conservation area be deferred and that further consultations with residents were arranged to ensure that the People First priority of the Council was met.
· Heritage experts advising Ms Napier had concluded that the threshold of specialness and quality required for a conservation area had not been reached.
· Stevenage Borough Council had raised concerns regarding the proposed designation of the area.
· She requested that Members followed the People First priority of the Council to not progress with designation of a Conservation Area at Chesfield.
In response to a point of clarification from Councillor Ian Albert, Ms Napier advised that this process had been going on for a considerable period and was causing stress to the residents.
The Chair thanked Ms Napier for her presentation.
The Chair invited Ms Elaine Southern to address the Committee regarding Item 7 Chesfield Conservation Area. Ms Southern thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided the Committee with a verbal presentation, including that:
· This area was soon to be enveloped by the development of around 2000 houses.
· Residents should not be required to pay a premium or seek permission to update buildings and fencing as was required in a Conservation Area.
· The only buildings of significant age were already protected and grade listed.
· Residents should be left to manage their properties amidst the housing development surrounding them.
In response to a point of clarification from Councillor Amy Allen, Ms Southern advised that animals often escaped into the fields and caused damage to fencing, therefore a more modern type of fencing was required to be used which was more robust.
The Chair thanked Ms Southern for her presentation.
The Chair advised that Mr Julian Pye, Associate Director of Hyas Associates, was in attendance at the meeting to be available to answer questions from Members regarding Agenda Item 7 – East of Luton Strategic Masterplan Framework.