Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/01/2025 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment (Item 7)


To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.


A presentation was received by the Cabinet Panel from a representative of Decarbonise Letchworth and the Chair led a discussion amongst Members and public present.


Audio recording – 1 hour 3 minutes 50 seconds


The Chair invited Julia Sonander of Decarbonise Letchworth to give a presentation on ‘Updating the Letchworth Design Principles’. Julia Sonander advised that:


·         Decarbonise Letchworth had launched a project where interested homeowners in Letchworth could provide in-depth feedback on the changes they would like to see made to the current Design Principles for Letchworth. They were in the process of compiling a draft for this feedback.

·         They would like to see the Panel use its influence to help to upgrade the Design Principles to help homeowners to achieve improved energy efficiency and carbon reduction.

·         The updates they sought respected heritage but also recognised that housing stock had to evolve for changing weather, fuel poverty, resource depletion, energy security and the health of homes. 

·         In 2000, North Herts Council adopted the Design Principles into their Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) for Letchworth. However, the Heritage Foundation updated their Design Principles in 2009 and again in 2015 to incorporate character areas and Homes of Special Interest, creating a policy mismatch between the Council and the Heritage Foundation.

·         The 25-year-old SPG and the 10-year-old Design Principles made it difficult for residents to install new technology in their homes such as heat pumps, car chargers, air conditioning, storage batteries and security installations. This also applied to external installations such as solar panels and external insulation which prevented improved energy efficiency and carbon reduction. 

·         They would like the Environmental Team to champion the suggested Design Principle changes that would improve the energy efficiency, energy security and healthiness of housing stock in the town.

·         They would also recommend that the Council updated their planning guidance to enable well-designed energy efficiency retrofits and the adoption of new low carbon technologies in conservation areas.

·         They would further like the Council to consider the Draft Design Principles as the basis for an updated Letchworth SPG.


The following Members, officers and members of the public asked questions and took part in the discussion:


·         Councillor Joe Graziano

·         Deolinda Eltringham

·         Councillor Amy Allen

·         Georgina Chapman

·         Councillor Claire Strong


The following points were raised as part of the discussion:


·         There was little point in improving energy efficiency by installing external insulation when solar panels could produce cheap or non-cost energy for every home. 

·         Solar panels were intermittent in their production of power and there was usually a deficit in their production in winter regardless of the roof area of a home.

·         The Council had contact with the Sustainability Officer at the Heritage Foundation and they could consider adding to the action tracker subject to wording.

·         The social housing standards to meet energy ratings meant that many houses had to be knocked down and rebuilt in the past.

·         Council officers were starting to update the design code to direct developers on their design of homes within strategic planning sites.

·         Future electricity demands would increase massively with the surge in demand for electric vehicles.


In response to questions and discussion points, Julia Sonander advised that:


·         Solar panels alone  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7