Change of use of the Former Princess Helena College and associated
land from a former all-girls boarding school to 69no. private
residential dwellings (Use Class C3), including the conversion of
the main Grade II* Listed House to 35no. new apartments, the
conversion of the retained Teaching Block to provide 8 new
apartments, the demolition of the existing sports hall building and
science block and replacement with 20no. new houses and 2no. new
apartments, the conversion of the Tank House and the Pump House
buildings to provide 2no. detached dwellings and the erection of
2no. new dwellings located within the summerhouse plantation. The
provision of cart lodges, creation of new car-park together with
domestic storage units and covered parking bays to include solar PV
panels, and waste storage units and the provision of new driveways
and associated works. Erection of new sub-station building and
plant room. In addition, the associated landscaping of the site
including provision of new pathways and gates and the reinstatement
of Grade II* Listed Parks and Gardens and the provision of a new
cricket pitch, associated cricket pavilion and car parking and
refurbished tennis courts (as amended by plans and supporting
documents received November 2024).
Additional documents: