To consider the final update on 2017/18 Performance Indicators - exception report.
Additional documents:
(1) That the year end 2017/18 Performance Indicators be noted:
(2) That, where benchmark information is available, this be included in future reports regarding Performance Indicators.
REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider and comment on the Year End Performance Indictor Monitoring Report.
The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager presented the report entitled Year End Performance Indicators 2017/18 and drew attention to the following:
Performance Indicator Setting and Monitoring
Members queried why some of the indicators did not have a target and who was responsible for setting targets.
The Controls Risk and Performance Manager advised that the Indicators without targets were generally related to homelessness and these were included for information only.
Targets were reviewed and set annually as part of the Corporate Planning process by the Heads of Service together with the relevant Executive Members.
The new Performance Indicators were then approved by Cabinet and reviewed by this Committee.
Members asked that wherever possible benchmarking information be included in future reports.
BV12 – Working Days Lost due to Sickness Absence per FTE employee
Members asked for clarification regarding how this figure was calculated.
The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager advised that this was and average of the number of days lost per full time employee.
The Chief Executive advised that BV12 showed the overall levels of sickness absence. BV12a and BV12b showed the breakdown between long term and shot term absence. The figure at BV12 was below the median of that of other Local Authorities.
Members noted that a high proportion of staff now worked at home and queried how it was determined whether they were sick or working.
The Chief Executive informed Members that if staff were sick they were required to contact their Manager. There was also the ability to check productivity details and review performance against objectives.
NI192 – Percentage of Household Waste sent for reuse, recycling and Composting
Members noted that NHDC was 7th out of 51 and commented that this demonstrated that NHDC was doing well and the residents were actively recycling.
LI037 – Percentage of Customers satisfied with the Services Provided by Housing and Public Protection Service
Members commented that this indicator was showing as red, but the commentary stated that high levels of satisfaction were still shown.
They expressed concern that targets and tolerances may not have been scrutinised effectively.
The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager advised that levels were taken very seriously. The target was missed by a small margin although they retained high levels of satisfaction.
Investors in People
Members noted that NHDC was an Investors in People organisation and queried when the next re=registration for this was due.
The Chief Executive advised that NHDC had been IIP certified for about 14 years and was reaccredited in 2017 with an interim review due in approximately 9 months.
(1) That the year end 2017/18 Performance Indicators be noted:
(2) That, where benchmark information is available, this be included in future reports regarding Performance Indicators;
REASON FOR DECISION:To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider and comment on the Year End Performance Indictor Monitoring Report.