To consider the Draft Annual Governance Statement 2017/18.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That the draft Annual Governance Statement Action Plan for 2017/18 be noted, and the following comments of the Committee, if possible, be incorporated into the document in order for it to be finalised for approval in July 2018:
· Principle E – inclusion of a statement/reference to the Gender Pay Gap;
· Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) – investigation as to the content of the outstanding ICO decision and whether it will be determined under the Data Protection rules prevailing at the time or the new General Data Protection regulations (GDPR); and
· Updating throughout the AGS and Action Plan to reflect correct Executive Member/Officer job titles/designations.
REASON FOR DECISION: To offer Members of the Committee the opportunity to assess and comment on the Annual Governance Statement before it is finalised; and to provide the Committee with assurances that NHDC is examining and, where necessary, improving its governance arrangements.
The Senior Policy Officer presented a report in respect of the Draft Annual Governance Statement (AGS) 2017/18. The draft AGS was included as Appendix A to the report.
The Senior Policy Officer advised that the draft AGS had been prepared following an in-depth review/input and scoring by SMT against the CIPFA/SOLACE Framework 2016 Principles. The conclusion against the Principles was the AGS had achieved a “Substantial” Assurance level. The format of the document was similar to 2016/17 version.
The Committee’s comments on the draft AGS and Action Plan, as set out in the resolution below, would be investigated and, if possible, incorporated into the final version of the document for consideration at the July 2018 meeting.
RESOLVED: That the draft Annual Governance Statement Action Plan for 2017/18 be noted, and the following comments of the Committee, if possible, be incorporated into the document in order for it to be finalised for approval in July 2018:
· Principle E – inclusion of a statement/reference to the Gender Pay Gap;
· Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) – investigation as to the content of the outstanding ICO decision and whether it will be determined under the Data Protection rules prevailing at the time or the new General Data Protection regulations (GDPR); and
· Updating throughout the AGS and Action Plan to reflect correct Executive Member/Officer job titles/designations.
REASON FOR DECISION: To offer Members of the Committee the opportunity to assess and comment on the Annual Governance Statement before it is finalised; and to provide the Committee with assurances that NHDC is examining and, where necessary, improving its governance arrangements.