Issue - meetings

18/00584/FP Sandon Bury Farm, Sandon, Hertfordshire, SG9 0QY

Meeting: 20/09/2018 - Planning Control Committee (Item 40)



Diversification of Sandon Bury Farm to provide an events venue and guest accommodation, comprising demolition of existing modern buildings within the Sandon Bury Farm complex, change of use of existing buildings from agricultural uses to an events venue, guest accommodation and alterations to listed and non-listed buildings (Black Barn, grain store and hay barn).

Additional documents:


Audio Recording of Meeting – Session 2 – Start of Item - 6 seconds


RESOLVED: That application 17/04393/RM be DEFERRED to enable the full and thorough assessment of the suitability and safety of all routes to the development and that this be presented to the Committee.


REASON FOR DECISION: In the interests of highway safety.


Audio Recording of Meeting – Session 2 – Start of Item - 6 seconds


Diversification of Sandon Bury Farm to provide an events venue and guest accommodation, comprising demolition of existing modern buildings within the Sandon Bury Farm complex, change of use of existing buildings from agricultural uses to an events venue, guest accommodation and alterations to listed and non-listed buildings (Black Barn, grain store and hay barn).


The Planning Officer advised Members that a number of further representations had been received since the publication of the report as follows:


·                From a neighbour concerning issues about noise;

·                From Pegasus Group, representing the Sandon Action Group, in relation to noise.


These representations had been sent to the NHDC Senior Environmental Health Officer whose comments, dated 11 September 2018, had been circulated to Members.


Following this memo, the applicant’s consultants had commented on the representations made.


A peer review of noise impact assessment was then received from Cass Allen on behalf of Pegasus Group.


A further memo was received from the applicant’s consultants on 19 September 2018.


The NHDC Senior Environmental Health Officer had reviewed all of the representations.


The Senior Environmental Health Officer advised that his comments sought to discuss the peer review noise assessment review by Cass Allen dated 14 September 2018 and the subsequent memo from SLR dated 19 September 2018.


In terms of base line noise assessment, the original base line levels were originally deemed as acceptable and his view regarding this remained unchanged. He did not dispute the data gathered, however he had concerns that the data relied on related to only one day and therefore could be less representative of the existing noise climate.


In respect of entertainment noise, there was some disagreement between consultants regarding the methodology and guidance used to assess and predict entertainment noise. He had previously advised that he was satisfied with the approach used by SLR and, whilst noting that there were many different noise assessment methodologies, it did not automatically mean that a particular method was incorrect.


He was satisfied that the entertainment noise was unlikely to adversely affect residential amenity, providing the recommended conditions were imposed. The inclusion of the noise enclosure was vital to protect residential amenity.


It had been proposed that, Condition 7 be amended to include proprietary noise limiters, he had already deemed that the noise enclosure would be sufficient, but agreed that a noise limiting device would provide an additional guarantee regarding the overall noise levels emitted from the venue. This would normally be deregulated, under Licensing, until 11pm, therefore it may be worthwhile including it at the planning stage as an additional safeguard, with levels to be determined by an Environmental Health Officer whilst on site.


In light of the comments of the Senior Environmental Health Office, the Planning Officer recommended changes to some conditions as follows:


Condition 8 to read:


Prior to the installation of any fixed plant, a noise survey following the guidelines set out by BS4142:2014 shall be undertaken. This survey  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40