Issue - meetings

September Discussion Topic

Meeting: 26/09/2018 - Joint Staff Consultative Committee (Item 16)




To receive a discussion paper on Family Friendly Legislation.


IT WAS AGREED:  That the discussion paper on Family Friendly Legislation be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION:  To enable the Committee to consider the discussion paper on Family Friendly Legislation.


The Corporate Human Resources Manager presented a discussion paper entitled Family Friendly Legislation highlighting:



There was a growing group of people who had a responsibility for elderly parents or relatives on NHDC’s payroll.


NHDC offered flexible working hours, job share, home-working and flexi-time to accommodate employees who had a ‘caring’ responsibility. 


A large number of women who had young children or elderly parents to look after were employed at the Council on a part time capacity.


New parents were offered:


·                     Maternity

·                     Paternity

·                     Adoption

·                     Shared Parental Leave


Free child care places were replacing the salary sacrifice childcare voucher scheme.


Within the policy at NHDC, all members of staff had the right to flexible working hours.


The most common request came from women, who wished to reduce their working hours from full time to part-time after they had had a baby.


Special Leave

NHDC had a policy in place that allowed a member of staff, whilst not limitless, to have the right to time off in an emergency situation.


Time off for Dependants

Assistance available to a “dependant” member of staff time off in the case of an emergency


·                Support Mechanisms

·                Occupational Health

·                Employee Assistance Programme

·                Well@work Site on the Intranet – giving policies and practices.  On going updates and changes were always being made to this site in order to provide up-to-date guidance, including developing Manager’s skill to spot the signs of serious personal or family health issues.


Exciting New Developments


·                Grand parental leave

·                Parental bereavement leave

·                Carers’ leave

·                Fathers’ rights


In response to a question by a Member of whether NHDC were quick to provide emergency cover, especially in small teams, The Corporate Human Resources Manager confirmed there was mechanisms in place, and a general willingness from staff to undertake extra hours.


Members discussed the paper further, during which they made observations endorsing the positive points that positive devices were in place for any member of staff to feel supported and have someone to talk to through experience of difficult times.  Members were also extremely pleased that steps were being taken in Government to radically improve paternity rights.


IT WAS AGREED:  That the discussion paper on Family Friendly Legislation be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION:  To enable the Committee to consider the discussion paper on Family Friendly Legislation.