Issue - meetings

Agenda Item 11 - 3CS Information Note

Meeting: 11/12/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 56)




To update members of the Committee on the half year positon in regards to the Comments, Compliments and Complaints (3Cs) for the Council and the Contractors that provide services on our behalf. Followed by Social Media Analytics.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the Committee note the half yearly update report on Comments, Compliments and Complaints (3CS).


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider the half year update regarding Comments, Compliments and Complaints (3Cs).


Audio Recording 21minutes 03 seconds


Jo Dufficy, Customer Service Manager and Sarah Kingsley, Communications Manager presented the half year update report for the period of April to September 2018.  Comments and Complaints had increased considerably as expected, and for that reason a dashboard was included that specifically related to waste.


Members were referred to the general points in table 2.3 of the officer’s report which illustrated a breakdown of 3CS received:


           Grounds maintenance few complaints variety of things i.e. hole in the grass verge; issue with the memorial bench.

           Compliments relating to flower displays and grass cutting activity.

           Area of higher number of complaints in regards to Planning Control and various such as decisions, advice given and the Planning Portal.  Care line regularly receive high number of compliments for excellent service mainly from family and relatives.

           Leisure centres – all three feedback machines recently provided.

           North Herts leisure complaints re: cleanliness in changing areas and maintenance of weight machines being out of action. 

           Compliments for swimming lessons and fitness classes and also staff, 31 compliments specifically at North Herts.

           Visitor numbers at North Herts Leisure had 268,000, Hitchin had 246,000 and Royston had 200,000.  Heavily used services.

           LGO complaints at 2.4 of the officer’s report were from two people in planning and environment control but found the same complainant.  One complaint was dealt with it and we identified an error in our own process, however, LGO classified it as upheld but no significant injustice.


Large numbers of feedback regarding the Waste Service in comparison last major service update from 5 years ago (782 complaints) with the introduction of purple bins this year was far greater.  Complaints peaked in July and August reflected operational issues relating to collection of brown bins and food caddy, however, this had a knock on effect with recycling bins and normal waste bins.  Some areas were more impacted than others.  As issues dealt with complaints these were reduced. Majority complaints were responded to fully within 20 days, normally this would be 10 days, but working under exceptional circumstances during this period. 


A number of  Members asked questions which were answered by Jo Dufficy, Customer Services Manager, and Sarah Kingsley, Communications Manager:                      


o          Councillor Steve Jarvis

o          Councillor Helen Oliver

o          Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg

o          Councillor Ben Lewis

o          Councillor Gerald Morris

o          Councillor Jean Green


RESOLVED:  That the Committee note the half yearly update report on Comments, Compliments and Complaints (3CS).


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider the half year update regarding Comments, Compliments and Complaints (3Cs).