Issue - meetings

Council Tax Base 2019/2020

Meeting: 10/01/2019 - Council Tax Setting Committee (Item 19)

19 COUNCIL TAX BASE 2019/2020 pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To agree the Council Tax Base for 2019/2020.

Additional documents:




(1)       That a non-collection rate of 1% for 2019/2020 be approved; and


(2)          That the amount calculated by this Council as its Council Tax Base for 2019/2020 at £49,498.4, and that the individual sums shown for each Parish, as set out in Appendix A of the report, be agreed.


REASON FOR DECISION:  To fulfil the statutory requirement to set a Council Tax Base for the District and to enable Major and Local Precepting Authorities to set their levels of Council Tax for 2019/2020.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 1 minute and 46 minutes




The Committee considered a report of the Head of Revenues, Benefits and Information Technology seeking approval of the Council Tax Base for 2019/2020.  The report contained the following appendices:


Appendix A – Council Tax Base by Parish 2019/2020; and

Appendix B - Example of Council Tax Base calculation for Letchworth Garden City.


The proposed 1% increase was an estimate based on inflation and they were more likely to underestimate than overestimate the figure.


The Head of Revenues, Benefits and Information Technology advised that the 2019/2020 Council Tax Base figures for each Parish contained in Appendix A to the report assumed a 1% non-collection rate.  The Council Tax Base for 2019/2020 was proposed to be £49,498.40.


The Head of Revenues, Benefits and Information Technology stated that Appendix B provided an example of how the Council Tax Base was calculated for Letchworth Garden City.


In response to a question, the Head of Revenues, Benefits and Information Technology commented that the impact of Universal Credit on the Council Tax collection rate would probably be less than its impact on rent arrears collection.


In accordance with Standing Order 4.8.16(h), the Chairman requested that a Recorded Vote be taken on the Council Tax Base 2019/2020.



For: Councillors Julian Cunningham, Mrs L.A. Needham and R.A.C. Thake - 3

Against: 0

Abstentions: 0)


It was therefore




(1)        That a non-collection rate of 1% for 2019/2020 be approved; and


(2)        That the amount calculated by this Council as its Council Tax Base for 2019/2020 shall be £49,498.40, and that the individual sums shown for each Parish, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be agreed.


REASON FOR DECISION:To fulfil the statutory requirement to set a Council Tax Base for the District and to enable Major and Local Precepting Authorities to set their levels of Council Tax for 2019/2020.