To consider the Local Code of Governance and progress against the Annual Governance Statement Action plan for 2018-19.
Additional documents:
(1) That the Local Code of Corporate Governance 2018/19 (Appendix A) be approved;
(2) That the current position with the AGS Action Plan (Appendix B) be noted;
(3) That the Senior Policy Officer be requested to investigate why 27 Members were not detailed in the report as registered as Data Controllers and inform the Committee of his findings.
(1) It is recommended practice to review the Local Code of Corporate Governance each year to ensure it remains up to date and relevant;
(2) Reviewing the AGS Action Plan during 2018/19 provides the Committee with assurances that NHDC is following through with recommended changes and/or improvements to its governance arrangements.
Audio Recording – Start of Item – 48 minutes 37 seconds
The Senior Communities Officer presented the report entitled Local Code of Corporate Governance and Annual Governance Statement Actions (Plan 2017/18) Update and drew attention to the following:
· It was recommended good practice for the Local Code of Corporate Governance to be reviewed annually’
· The Code was last updated in March 2017;
· If the Code is approved by this Committee, it would be placed on the NHDC Corporate Governance internet page and be provided to Members through the MIS process and to employees via the Insight monthly staff briefing;
· The 7 framework principals for governance were detailed in Appendix A
· The Action Plan at Appendix B showed that 10 actions had been completed and 5 remained outstanding.
The following Members took part in the debate or asked questions:
· Councillor Jim McNally;
· Councillor Simon Harwood;
· Councillor Terry Hone.
In response to questions the Senior Policy Officer advised that he would investigate why 27 Members were not detailed as registered as Data Controllers and inform the Committee of his findings;
It was noted that Recommendation 2.1 was ambiguous and therefore should read:
“That the Committee approves the Local Code of Corporate Governance 2018/19 (Appendix A)”
(1) That the Local Code of Corporate Governance 2018/19 (Appendix A) be approved;
(2) That the current position with the AGS Action Plan (Appendix B) be noted;
(3) That the Senior Policy Officer be requested to investigate why 27 Members were not detailed in the report as registered as Data Controllers and inform the Committee of his findings.
(1) It is recommended practice to review the Local Code of Corporate Governance each year to ensure it remains up to date and relevant;
(2) Reviewing the AGS Action Plan during 2018/19 provides the Committee with assurances that NHDC is following through with recommended changes and/or improvements to its governance arrangements.