To consider the 2018/19 year end Performance Indicator monitoring report.
(1) That the report entitled 2018-19 Performance Indicator Monitoring be noted;
(2) That the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager be requested to circulate the link to the full Waste Performance breakdown to all Members and Substitutes of the Committee;
(3) That the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager be requested to identify a date when data will be available for REG 1 and 2;
(4) That a target must be set regarding REG 1 and 2, based on the data available and the direction of travel at the next target setting review;
(5) That the Chairman be requested to discuss sickness data with the Head of Paid Service with the aim of identifying what breakdown of figures would be available to the Committee and to identify any problem areas and the reasons for those issues.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review Performance Indicators in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Committee.
Audio recording – Start of Item – 7 minutes 25 seconds
The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager presented the report pf the Service Director – Resources entitled 2018-19 Year End Performance Indicator Monitoring.
She advised that the report would be circulated to all Members and Substitutes of the Committee one month before the meeting to give the opportunity to invite Officers or Executive Members to the meeting to discuss a particular subject.
The following Members took part in the debate and asked questions:
· Councillor David Levett;
· Councillor Lisa Nash;
· Councillor Helen Oliver;
· Councillor Sue Ngwala;
· Councillor Kate Aspinwall;
· Councillor Tony Hunter.
(1) That the report entitled 2018-19 Performance Indicator Monitoring be noted;
(2) That the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager be requested to circulate the link to the full Waste Performance breakdown to all Members and Substitutes of the Committee;
(3) That the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager be requested to identify a date when data will be available for REG 1 and 2;
(4) That a target must be set regarding REG 1 and 2, based on the data available and the direction of travel at the next target setting review;
(5) That the Chairman be requested to discuss sickness data with the Head of Paid Service with the aim of identifying what breakdown of figures would be available to the Committee and to identify any problem areas and the reasons for those issues.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review Performance Indicators in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Committee.