Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/06/2019 - Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (Item 8)




For the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee to review the draft Annual Governance Statement (AGS) including Action Plan for the year 2018/19.

Additional documents:




That the draft Annual Governance Statement Action Plan for 2018/19 be noted in order for it to be finalised for approval in July 2019.


REASON FOR DECISION:  To offer Members of the Committee the opportunity to assess and comment on the Annual Governance Statement before it is finalised; and to provide the Committee with assurances that NHDC is examining and, where necessary, improving its governance arrangements.


Audio Recording – Start of Item – 26 Minutes, 45 Seconds



The Policy and Community Engagement Manager presented a report in respect of the Draft Annual Governance Statement (AGS) 2018/19.  He advised the Committee that he brought the Report to the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee in order that they review and comment on the Action Plan so that it may be finalised for approval at the next meeting of the Committee in July 2019.


The Policy and Community Engagement Manager explained that the Annual Governance Statement was a legal requirement in which NHDC had to review their requirements for Good Governance  – set against the Local Government Framework of delivering Good Governance, published by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountancy and the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers.


The Finance, Audit & Risk Committee was the Legal Body to approve the Statement, drawing the Members attention to paragraph 7 which provided background information.


Highlighted the 8 Principles outlined in Appendix A of the Report.


Drew the Committee’s attention to Paragraph 7.5 of the Report - Key element of the review of effectiveness, which would incorporate the Internal Audit’s Annual Report / opinion on arrangements, that had just been presented by Chris Wood, Head of Shared Internal Audit Service, that evening.


The assurance level as assessed against the 2016 Principles were substantial, these had been detailed in the draft AGS Action Plan, however, the detailed self-assessment document had not been appended but would be incorporated following comments from SIAS and advice from CIPFA.


The Service Director – Resources reminded Members of the Committee that they were required to approve the Annual Governance Statement and the Statement of Accounts, which had been issued on 30 May 2019.  The Service Director - Resources confirmed that he would send a link to Members.  The Statement of Accounts would be subject to Audit by external auditors and results would be available for the next meeting of the Finance Audit & Risk Committee in the hope that these would be approved at that time.  Members were encouraged to take a look at the document and raise any questions with the Service Director - Resources before the next meeting.


After a short discussion providing clarification to notes within the Report, The Finance Audit & Risk Committee




(1)       That The Senior Policy Manager provided a Gender Pay Gap Link to Members on ModGov; and

(2)       That the draft Annual Governance Statement Action Plan for 2018/19 be noted in order for it to be finalised for approval in July 2019.



REASON FOR DECISION:  To offer Members of the Committee the opportunity to assess and comment on the Annual Governance Statement before it is finalised; and to provide the Committee with assurances that NHDC is examining and, where necessary, improving its governance arrangements.