To provide an Information Note on the performance in regards to Comments, Compliments and Complaints.
Additional documents:
(1) That the Customer Services Manager be requested to circulate the link to the Local Government Ombudsman website to all Members and Substitutes if this Committee;
(2) That the Customer Services Manager be asked to clarify the reasons for the increased number of complaints regarding the Hitchin Swim Centre and reduced number of complaints for North Herts Leisure Centre;
(3) That the information note be noted.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider the report entitled Full Year Update on Comments, Compliments and Complaints.
Audio recording – 1hour 5 minutes 10 seconds
The Customer Service Manager presented the information note entitled Full Year Update on Comments, Compliments and Complaints together with the following appendices:
· Appendix A – Dashboard;
· Appendix B - Breakdown by Service Area;
· Appendix C – Facebook Dashboard;
· Appendix D – Twitter Dashboard;
· Appendix E – Instagram Dashboard.
She drew attention to Section 3 of the report that detailed a significant increase in the receipt of 3Cs, which were mostly regarding the changes to the waste service. A separate chart had been provided to show complaints regarding waste.
Careline was a service that received high numbers of compliments.
There were increased amounts of feedback from leisure centres following installation of feedback machines.
10 complaints had been taken to the Local Government Ombudsman. Unusually 4 complaints were upheld, 3 related to Planning and it had been identified by NHDC that a fault had occurred in the process. The enquiry by the Ombudsman echoed the internal findings and founf that the remesies already put in place were sufficient, or that no further action was required.
One complaint was upheld by the Ombudsman where a remedy was required and it was recommended that a payment be made to the complainant also that processes be put in place to prevent this happening again.
The Ombudsman had very useful information and learning points, which was accessed by officers.
The following Members asked questions:
· Councillor David Levett;
· Councillor Val Bryant;
· Councillor Claire Strong;
· Councillor Tony Hunter;
· Councillor Sue Ngwala.
The Customer Services Manager advised that to her knowledge, process had been put in place to prevent further occurrences of events that generated the complaints to the Ombudsman.
The reason for the increase in feedback from Hitchin Swim Centre was the installation of feedback machines.
If somebody phoned for the first time with a complaint, this would be accepted as such, however if they were contacting us about an issue such as a missed bin this would be considered a service request, although further contact about the same issue would be recorded as a complaint.
Members asked that the link to the Local Government Ombudsman be sent to all Members and substitutes of the Committee.
North Herts Leisure Centre received an increase in complaints during the period that building work was being undertaken.
(1) That the Customer Services Manager be requested to circulate the link to the Local Government Ombudsman website to all Members and Substitutes if this Committee;
(2) That the Customer Services Manager be asked to clarify the reasons for the increased number of complaints regarding the Hitchin Swim Centre and reduced number of complaints for North Herts Leisure Centre;
(3) That the information note be noted.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider the report entitled Full Year Update on Comments, Compliments and Complaints.