Finance, Audit and Risk Committee to receive a quarterly update on Risk and Opportunities Management at North Herts.
Additional documents:
(1) That the Service Director – Resources be requested to refer an update to the existing Climate Change risk to the Risk Management Group;
(2) That the Workforce Planning Risk retain its current Risk score of 5.
(3) That the Service Director – Resources be requested to circulate the link to the Council’s Risk Management System, Pertana, to all Members and Substitutes of this Committee.
(1) That the risk entitled Impact of Anti-Social Behaviour on Council Properties be adopted as a Corporate Risk;
(2) That the Annual Report on Risk and Opportunities be noted and referred to Full Council for consideration.
(1) The responsibility for ensuring the management of risks is that of Cabinet.
(2) This Committee has responsibility to monitor the effective development and operation of risk and opportunities management.
Audio Recording – 42 minutes 43 seconds
The Service Director-Resources presented the report entitled Risk and Opportunities Management Update together with the following appendices:
• Appendix A - New Risk Anti Social Behaviour;
• Appendix B - Annual Report on Risk Management 2018-19.
The Risk Management Group would hold its next meeting on 8 August 2019 and Members of this Committee were welcome to attend. This Group discussed a number of issues and reviewed at least one corporate risk per meeting.
He explained that it was for the Committee to consider suggested changes to the risks
A new risk was being brought to the attention of the Committee, being the Impact of Anti-Social Behaviour on Council Facilities. This was being presented as a Service Risk, although the Committee could change this.
This did not relate to Anti Social Behaviour in general, but to the effect on Council properties.
Appendix B of the report was the Annual Report on Risk Management that would be considered by Cabinet and Council.
The following Members asked question and entered in the debate:
• Councillor Sam North;
• Councillor Kate Aspinwall
• Councillor Steve Jarvis;
• Councillor Michael Weeks.
Members felt that the Anti-Social Behaviour risk should be a Corporate Risk. The Council needed to consider the likelihood of the impact and threats associated with this risk. This had already had an effect on the ability to keep car parks open and public toilets had been vandalised and had to be closed resulting in a cost to the Council.
Members noted that, in Letchworth, although the rates of crime had dropped, anti-social behaviour had dramatically increased in the Town Centre. This may result in the Council having to provide more services such as CCTV and lighting.
Members also noted that this was not only regarding financial risk, but also reputational risk and the ability to provide services.
The Service Director-Resources advised that CCTV had been discussed in relation to the multi store car parks, however it would be difficult to place cameras in a place that they would not also be damaged.
The Chairman asked the Committee to consider a new risk regarding Climate Emergency and the impact that mitigation would have on the Council. Placing this item on the Risk Matrix would ensure more scrutiny. It was suggested that this risk should be related to the Council’s implementation of the Climate Change Strategy.
The Service Director- Resources advised that this would be referred to the Risk Management Group and, following consideration by that Group, would be referred back to this Committee.
Members asked for the link to the Council’s Risk Management System, Pertana, be circulated to all Members and substitutes of the Committee.
(1) That the Service Director – Resources be requested to refer an update to the existing Climate Change risk to the Risk Management Group;
(2) That the Workforce Planning Risk retain its current Risk score of 5.
(3) That the Service Director – Resources be requested to circulate the ... view the full minutes text for item 24