Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/09/2019 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment (Item 5)


To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public including:


1.         Baldock Beats Waste;

2.         Climate Action Group;

3.         Plastic Free Letchworth/Plastic Free Hitchin;

4.         Best Before Café/Hitchin Food Rescue;

5.         Herts Without Waste;

6.         North Herts and Stevenage Climate Action Group.


Please note that two written submissions have been made and are included in the agenda:


John Webb, Herts Without Waste

Gilly Chegwyn, Climate Action Group

Additional documents:


Ms Christine Watson, Baldock Beats Waste, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Panel.


The Chairman thanked Ms Watson for her presentation.


Audio recording – 7 minutes 14 seconds


Ms Christine Watson, Baldock Beats Waste, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Panel as follows:


·                Baldock Beats Waste was a local group started due to the concern about misleading information regarding recycling, particularly single use plastic;

·                Intention was to encourage people in Baldock to look differently at waste, particularly packaging and single use plastic;

·                They advised on what could be recycled and when and where this could be done as well as alternative packaging;

·                At meetings they demonstrated a selection of products and discussed where they could be bought;

·                They had a Facebook page on which 100-500 people read posts regularly;

·                They had held 3 meetings with 25-30 people attending;

·                They had a stall at the Baldock Festival;

·                They set up a collection of crisp packets at the local Community Centre;

·                They had discovered some good practices by businesses and individuals in the Town;

·                They had held 3 litter picking events

·                They had visited local businesses to discuss waste management and have even successful in changing the habits of some including:

·                      Sought to change packaging at Baldock weekly market;

·                      Archers Gym had been persuaded to stop using plastic bags;

·                      Hollington Health had cancelled their order of bottled water and had started using compostable cups.


The following Members asked questions and commented on the presentation:


·                Councillor Michael Muir;

·                Councillor Kay Tart;

·                Councillor Steve Jarvis;

·                Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg.


 In response to questions Ms Watson advised that:


·                There were no plans for Baldock Beats Waste to become Plastic Free Baldock;

·                However, should they meet the requirements for plastic free status, this would be a subsidiary of Baldock Beats Waste.


The Community Engagement Team Leader advised that a good way to share information was through Engage North Herts.


The Chairman thanked Ms Watson for her presentation.