Issue - meetings

Q1 2019/20 Performance Indicator Data

Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 43)

43 Q1 2019/20 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR DATA pdf icon PDF 405 KB



Performance Indicator Exception Report for the first quarter of 2019/20.




(1)       That the report entitled Quarter 1 2019/20 Performance Indicator Data be noted; and

(2)       That the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager be requested to report, in respect of, the number of reported visits to leisure facilities, as to whether this was specific to use of the Swim Centre.


REASON FOR DECISIONS:  To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review Performance Indicators in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Committee.


Audio Recording – Start of Item – 1 Hour 27 Minutes 3 Seconds


The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager introduced the report on the first update on the Performance Indicator Date for 2019/20, she explained and highlighted the following:


·                Page 63 of the report was a summary of indicators that had been reported, (red and amber indicators) and, regardless of their status, included:


Garden Waste;

Food Waste; and



·                That 3 Amber and 2 Red indicators had been reported on this time.

·                Available for viewing on the Intranet


·                Percentage of Sales Ledger Invoices Paid - A Corporate Debt Recovery Group had been set up that reported directly to the Senior Management Team - collection levels were back on track for the July and August figures and going forward it was hoped that this would be reported as a positive figure by the next meeting of the Committee that would take place in December 2019.


·                Page 65 of the report – Homelessness Reg 1 and Reg 2 – the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had asked questions previously around the indicators, and as to why there had been no targets set.  Responses had been subsequently  sent to the last committee in July after an update from the Homelessness Manager.  Some raw H-CLIC Data had been received and they were now looking into ways as to how that could be incorporated in Benchmarking.  The Homelessness Manager would attend the next meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in order to provide Members with an update.


·                Target setting took place every January.


·                Percentage of programmed Environmental Health Inspections, (Amber Indicator) – The inspection outcome was very slightly below the profiled target, but this was mainly due to the department having experienced staffing issues and the service was expected to fulfil their expected target by the year end.


The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager also reported statistical targets for the following:


·                Number of visits to leisure facilities;

·                The overall tonnage of food waste collected; and

·                The overall tonnage of garden waste collected.




(1)       That the report entitled Quarter 1 2019/20 Performance Indicator Data be noted; and


(2)       That the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager be requested to report, in respect of, the number of reported visits to leisure facilities, as to whether this was specific to use of the Swim Centre.


REASON FOR DECISIONS:  To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review Performance Indicators in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Committee.