Issue - meetings

16/01797/1 Land Rear Of 4-14, Claybush Road, Ashwell, SG7 5RA

Meeting: 19/09/2019 - Planning Control Committee (Item 46)

46 16/01797/1 LAND REAR OF 4-14, CLAYBUSH ROAD, ASHWELL SG7 5RA pdf icon PDF 319 KB


30 dwellings together with associated access, parking, amenity and open space. (Site layout amended by amended plans received 29/01/17, 23/03/17 and 22/08/17).  (Please note plans received on 23/03/17 are only a minor site layout alteration).

Additional documents:




That application 19/01758/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions and reasons contained in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the amended condition 24 as follows:


“Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, full details of a scheme for the safety of all road users”.


Audio Recording – Session 2 – 38 Seconds


30 dwellings together with associated access, parking, amenity and open space.  (Site layout amended by amended plans received 29/01/17, 23/03/17 and 22/08/17).  (Please note plans received on 23/03/17 are only a minor site layout alteration).


The Senior Planning Officer introduced the report in respect of the Application 16/01797/1 and  provided the Committee with the following updates to the report:


·                A note had been received from Ashwell Parish Council.  A response to this was provided on 18 September 2019 and this had been circulated to all Members of this Committee prior to the commencement of the meeting.

·                Concerns regarding drainage had been received from Mr and Mrs Hodson. The Lead Local Flood Authority team had confirmed that the design of the drainage system was the subject of a condition.

·                A letter from Mr and Mrs Hare had been received on 13 August 2019 objecting to the application on the basis of traffic and safety concerns regarding both the proposed vehicle and pedestrian access. They raised concerns regarding incorrect terminology within the submitted documents and concluded that the proposed development was unstainable and contrary to the NPPF.

·                An amendment was required to Paragraph 4.3.38.  Condition 25 requires that the safety measures to Ashwell Street be done before any other development commenced on site.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report in respect of application 16/01797/1 supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.


Mr Norton Mahy, Parish Councillor, Ashwell Parish Council, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee in objection to application 16/01797/1  as follows:


·                Safety of pedestrian access;

·                The resurfacing of and installing of street light on Ashwell Street to address safety issues;

·                There was no footpath between the site and the public highway;

·                Heritage impact;

·                Contrary to saved policy SP8; and

·                Details of the planning application history for the site were not mentioned within the report.


Councillor Tom Tyson, Member Advocate, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee in objection of application 16/01797/1 as follows:


·                Ashwell Street was too narrow;

·                Larger vehicles such as vans and trucks were not able to drive down the street;

·                The additional houses would increase the volume of pedestrians using the street. However, the road was not suitable for pedestrians;

·                Condition 24 and 25 were not robust enough to mitigate safety of pedestrians;

·                The site failed to meet the requirements of the NPPF which ensured suitable access to the site could be achieved by all users. The site was not suitable for people with mobility issues;

·                Future occupiers would be forced to use vehicles to access the facilities in the village if they felt the walk into the village was too strenuous or hazardous and this undermined the objective of sustainability.


The following Members asked questions to Councillor Tyson:


·                Councillor Michael Weeks;

·                Councillor Ian Mantle.


Councillor Tyson responded to questions as follows:


·                Pedestrians were not able to duck into driveways when vehicles came as there were no  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46