Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/10/2019 - Royston and District Committee (Item 32)




To bring to the Committee’s attention details of recent requests received for Area Committee Grant Funding, made by community groups and local organisations, which conform to the Authority’s Grants Policy approved by Cabinet on June 14th 2016.

Additional documents:




(1)       Royston and District Committee trial a Town Talk prior to the next Committee Meeting due to be held on Wednesday 4 December 2019; and


(2)       That the Committee endorsed the actions taken by the Community Engagement Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being for Royston.




(1)     To ensure the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Officer;


(2)       To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation by assisting in the effective financial management of the Area Committee’s budget. This ensures that all actions are performed in line with the Authority’s Financial Regulations, the Council’s Constitution, and the guidance of the existing Grants policy as agreed by Cabinet in June 2016.


Audio Recording – 17 Minutes 55 Seconds


The Community Engagement Officer presented the report entitled Grants & Community Update and highlighted the following:


·                With a carry forward of £34 unallocated funds from the 2018/19 budget, there was a total budget of £3,754 for meetings in December 2019 and March 2020 respectively;

·                If the Committee were minded to grant BEEE Creative with the requested amount of £1,380, that would leave a budget of £874.


The following Members asked questions:


·                Councillor Ruth Brown;

·                Councillor Carol Stanier.


In response, The Community Engagement Officer provided the following information:


·                To date, unaware of any grant applications that were in the pipeline, however, the deadline was soon approaching;

·                Advised that BEEE Creative may be able to work with a reduced grant application figure, as they could possibly receive funding from elsewhere; and

·                It had previously been agreed by the Committee that £1,500 be allocated to the “Free after 3pm Initiative” and should be ring fenced as an important scheme that had assisted many businesses in Royston.


The Community Engagement Officer informed the Committee that Section 106 money had been allocated to fund two new bus shelters and new bicycle racks in the town.


The Community Engagement Officer directed Members to paragraph 8.2.2 within the report in relation to the possibility of starting “Royston Town Talk”.  The Community Engagement Officer further added that Royston was the only Area Committee not to have held a Town Talk that took place prior to their Committee Meeting.


Members entered into a lengthy debate and the following issues were raised during their discussion:


  • The need to increase engagement with the public;
  • Whether a Town Talk was the most appropriate forum for public engagement;
  • Public attendance and engagement at other area committee Town Talks;
  • If an alternative venue was required – cost, location and adequate public parking; and
  • Publicity.


It was proposed by Councillor Ruth Brown and seconded by Councillor Tony Hunter that Royston and District Committee trial a Town Talk prior to the next Committee Meeting.  Upon being put to the vote, there was no majority.  The Chairman had the casting voting and voted in favour of the proposal.




(1)     That Royston and District Committee trial a Town Talk prior to the next Committee Meeting due to be held on Wednesday 4 December 2019; and


(2)     That the Committee endorsed the actions taken by the Community Engagement Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being for Royston.




(1)     To ensure the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Officer;


(2)     To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation by assisting in the effective financial management of the Area Committee’s budget. This ensures that all actions are performed in line with the Authority’s Financial Regulations, the Council’s Constitution, and the guidance of the existing Grants policy as agreed by Cabinet in June 2016.