Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/09/2019 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment (Item 6)



Ms Rak Dimmock, Climate Action Group, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Panel.


The Chairman thanked Ms Dimmock for her presentation.


Audio recording – 16 minutes 48 seconds


Ms Rak Dimmock, Climate Action Group, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Panel as follows:


·                The Climate Action Group had been set up to work as an alliance of campaign groups;

·                Global carbon emissions had reached an all time high;

·                If this was not reversed it would be catastrophic therefore we must act now;

·                There was a widespread public concern about this issue;

·                The Council was to be congratulated for backing the climate emergency;

·                They urged the Council to move forward quickly;

·                The immediate priority was to update the Climate Strategy in support of the goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030;

·                Audits if carbon needed to be completed;

·                They had invested a lot of time putting together a list of actions covering all areas of the Council’s operations;

·                If the Council does well in this area it will inspire other Authorities;


The following Members asked questions and commented on the presentation:


·                Councillor Sam Collins;

·                Councillor Steve Jarvis;

·                Councillor Kay Tart;

·                Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg.


In response to questions Ms Dimmock advised:


·                That an article in the Outlook magazine would make a big impact


The Chairman thanked Ms Dimmock for her presentation.