Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/09/2019 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment (Item 7)



Ms Julia Sonander , Plastic Free Letchworth and Ms Anni Sander, Plastic Free Hitchin,  thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Panel


The Chairman thanked Ms Sonander and Ms Sander for their presentation.


Audio recording – 28 minutes 20 seconds


Ms Julia Sonander , Plastic Free Letchworth and Ms Anni Sander, Plastic Free Hitchin, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Panel as follows:


Ms Sander informed Members:


·                Letchworth had achieved Plastic Free Status and Hitchin was working towards it;

·                Both towns had an abundance of festivals, coffee shops and take-aways;

·                Single use plastic was a feature of these types of business;

·                Compostable cups made of corn starch cannot be recycled in North Herts and therefore end up in landfill;

·                Composting these products would require a whole new waste stream;

·                Reusable products were better for the environment;

·                Plastic Free communities proposed:

·                      Produce and deliver on campaign to establishments that offer take-aways;

·                      NHDC could loan reusable cups to events and charge a fee for washing and drying;

·                      NHDC could work with BIDS to introduce a cup scheme.

·                These proposals provided building blocks to move towards new ways of living.


The following Members asked questions and commented on the presentation:


·                Councillor Steve Jarvis;

·                Councillor Sam Collins;

·                Councillor Val Bryant;

·                Councillor Claire Strong


In response to questions Ms Sonander advised that:


·                In respect of running events, a solution to in race water stations had not yet been found, however runners should be encouraged to bring their own water bottles for the end of the race.


Members comments included:


·                That compostable processing could release carbon back into the atmosphere;

·                That consideration could be given to a “scores on the doors” scheme regarding environmental awareness.


The Chairman thanked Ms Sonander and Ms Sander for their presentation.